Scott is starting the process of becoming a lay reader, joining Mike, Earl, and Jim. Scott served as an acolyte this past Sunday. Thank you, Scott for your service!

Earl led our Morning Prayer Service this past Sunday. Thank you, Earl!
In Christian Education before services, we continued with our study of James. We covered James 3:1-12 focusing on Jame's message about 'Taming the Tongue'.

After services. Sue led our first after services prayer session. The session was beautiful - a very peaceful time to focus on special people and situations we want to keep in all our prayers. Thank you to Teresa and Sue for organizing and to Sue for leading this week. We will meet after every service in Lent for these prayers.

Last week Earl replaced the back porch decking with new Treks decking. He did a beautiful job. The new decking will last a long time, not need painting, and best of all it doesn't move or bend! Later in the spring we plan to repaint the inside of this area. Also we hope to replace the entire roof with a new, higher, more attractive roof and new lighting.

One more inside basement work day is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30. We plan to finish painting the nursery and finish up other odds and ends in the basement. Please join us if you can!

After Morning Prayer Services on Sunday, March 22, we plan to have a clean the Sanctuary Day. This is part of getting the church ready for Easter. We plan to clean the windows, clean the blinds, polish the pews, etc. - everything we can think of that isn't part of Whitney's routine cleaning (Thank you Whitney for all your hard work!). Please wear clothes you are comfortable cleaning in and bring a bag lunch. We expect to be done in a couple of hours.

Teresa is starting a new Women's Bible Study, "Made to Crave - Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food" on Wed. March 11 at 10:00 at the Church!
The Women's Bible Study completed the last lesson in the "Seeking the Divine" Bible Study this past Wednesday. After Bible Study, Sue and Rosalind visited Gloria in her new assisted living facility. Sue brought her violin and played a private concert including requests from Gloria. She played the Hallelujah Chorus, Amazing Grace, God Save the Queen (Gloria came to the USA from Britain as a bride after WWII), among others. Beautiful Music!

Also Gloria celebrated her 95th Birthday this past week. Her son, Chris, took her to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate. Looks Gloria had a great time!

The Men's Group is meeting Tuesday, March 10 at 6 pm at the church.

Our Family Night Out meetings will resume on Wednesday March 18 @ 6 pm. Jim will lead our program with readings from Vince Staten's book The Unconventional History of Kingsport. In this program, Jim will reveal the following information:
-How Deadman's curve on Memorial Blvd got it's name
-Why Mafair Methodist Church is spelled without a "y"
-How Wanola St. got it's name
And many other oddities about the origins of Kingsport.
"But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only... " James 1:22

In an effort to put these words into practice, the Mission Committee voted to start a donation/charity support program. The cash donations from the third Sunday of each month will go to a designated charity. This coming Sunday, March 15, the designated charity is the APA Lenten Appeal Fund.
We received a lovely 'Thank You' from Shades of Grace for our donation last month. The note is posted on the bulletin board downstairs.

While at the Patterns of Evidence movie last month, we saw advertisements for a special showing of the new "I Am Patrick" movie. On Tuesday March 17, several of us plan to meet at the Olive Garden Restaurant (1903 N Roan Street Johnson City, TN 37601) at 5:00 for dinner and then catch the 6:30 showing of the movie at the AMC Johnson City 14 (1805 N Roan St, Johnson City, TN 37601). Tickets are listed as $13.69 each. All are welcome!! Just let Teresa or Rosalind know so we will know how many seats to ask for at Olive Garden.
