Thank you to Teresa and Rose Marie for decorating St. Peter's for Advent and Christmas. The church looks beautiful. The Advent candles are oil filled, so no more messy, drippy wax! The new candles were purchased using Memorial Funds donated to St., Peters in memory of Warren Smith, one of our founding members who passed away last year.
Father Scott celebrated Holy Communion with us this past Sunday, the first Sunday in Advent. We are always happy to see him and each other! Next Sunday, Dec 8, after Morning Prayer, we will convene our annual congregational meeting. We will review the 2020 budget and elect a new member to the Mission Committee to replace Rose Marie.

We are having a before Christmas Celebration & Get Together! On Saturday December 7 we are meeting at The Longhorn Steak House (1750 E Stone Dr, Kingsport, 423-245-0049 ) at 1 pm for lunch. After lunch, we are attending the 3 pm show By the Fireside performed by The Symphony of the Mountains ( at the Toy F Reid Eastman Employee Center (401 S. Wilcox Dr., Kingsport). Scott arranged for our tickets and arranged a discount for us. Scott and Sue have purchased the tickets for us. They ask that instead of repaying them, those attending make a $20/ticket donation to the church in December. Thank you Scott and Sue for your very generous gift to St. Peters!
If you would like to attend but don't have a reservation, please let me or Rose Marie know and we will check into what arrangements are possible.
On Sunday, Dec 15, at 3 pm we are celebrating the service known as The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. The Festival tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ through nine scripture readings interspersed with traditional hymns and carols of the Christmas Season. First used in England to start the healing process after the horrors of WWI, the Festival is Anglican in origin but now used by many churches. The service will feature the string quartet, Maestoso Musica, and organ accompaniment to traditional Christmas Hymns. Fr. Dennis will have an abbreviated Holy Communion service at 11 am followed by a pot luck lunch followed by the Lesson and Carols service. Light refreshments and coffee will be served after the service.
Our always hard working Jr. Warden, Mike, installed a new light fixture in the Narthex to go with the brand new ceiling! What a beautiful job!
The Bible Study at The Blake will continue this Friday, Dec 6 at 10:30 with the fifth Taste & See lesson, Relishing the Olive and Its Oil.
Friday, Dec 6 @ 10:30 Bible Study at The Blake
Saturday, Dec 7 @ 1 pm lunch at The Longhorn Steakhouse in
@ 3 pm Symphony of the Mountians show
"By the Fireside"
Toy F. Reid Employee Center, Eastman, Kingsport
Sunday, Dec 8 @ 10 am Christian Education
@ 11 am Morning Prayer
@ 12 pm Annual Congregational Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 10 @ 6 pm Men's Group Meeting
Friday, Dec 13 @ 2 pm Bible Study at The Blake
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 11 am Holy Communion with Father Dennis
Washburn (abbreviated service due to later service)
@ 1 pm Pot Luck Luncheon
@ 3 pm Lesson and Carols Service with Father
Washburn & the Maestoso Musica String Quartet
Sunday, Dec 22 @ 10 am Christian Education
@ 11 am Morning Prayer
Tuesday, Dec 24 @ 2 pm Holy Communion with Father
Dennis Washburn
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 10 am Christian Education
@ 11 am Morning Prayer
FYI - Just a reminder
Many of us do our holiday shopping at Amazon. Please remember to go to:
and select Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Catholic Church as your charity to generate donations for Saint Peter's. There is no additional cost to you but we receive a small percentage of each purchase when we are selected!
Thank you!