I pray everyone is doing well during these crazy times! As we struggle through toilet paper shortages, staying at home, not meeting for church services, illnesses, etc., we remember our Lord's words in Luke 12:7 .....
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not
therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
We celebrated a 'Spiritual Communion' service this past Sunday - Lent V or Passion Sunday. Earl led the service on Discord and many of us participated with different readings. Also, Sue and Scott played two beautiful hymns for us on violin and piano. Such comfort and joy in hearing the familiar words of the service and everyone's voice!
Father Dennis forwarded a beautiful Passion Sunday sermon. He also posted the sermon on his blog page. Thank you Fr. Dennis for sending the sermon and keeping us in your prayers!
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. I will send out an email on Friday or Saturday with our final plans for Palm Sunday. I found this quote from William Penn that for me concisely sums up the period from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday.
On Wednesday we held our first prayer group meeting on Discord. Sue led our group as we prayed. We will meet again on Discord this Wednesday at 5 pm for prayer. Please join us!
Sigrid is back home after her long bout with pneumonia! Her cats, both inside and outside, are doing well thanks to her wonderful friends! She is receiving home health care assistance as she continues to recover.
Teresa sent me this picture on the upcoming fifth anniversary of the March 31, 2015 installation of the altar at St. Peters. The altar was made by the Rev. Mike Doty pictured with Earl on installation day. The altar was given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Jack, Carole's husband.
Joining us on Discord
As part of the learning curve I have learned that microphones and headphones are not always required. Several people were just using their phones or tablets. Also my Discord expert (my game loving son) advised many different types of phones and tablets will support Discord. I hope you are all able to join us Wednesday for our prayer group.
The process to join Discord is as follows:
1. On the device you want to use - go to Discord.com.
2. Follow the download instructions on Discord.com
3. After download, create a user name and password. I just used my
initials - rhc. Discord will assign a four digit code to your user name
- for example my full user name on Discord is rhc#8162
4. Go to the ' friends ' tab. Click on Add Friend . Type in
rhc#8162. Click   Send Friend Request.
5. After I receive your request, I will send you an invitation to join
the St Peters Talk server.
6. After you accept the invitation to join St Peters Talk server, call me and I will show you how to get on voice. (If you don't have my number, send me an email so I can send it to you!)
Wednesday, April 1, 5:00 pm prayer group on Discord
All future services subject to revision due to the virus - I will post weekly updates on Discord vs. in person.
Sunday, April 5 , Palm Sunday, @ 10 am Christian Ed., Book of James