Levi served as Lay Reader for the first time this past Sunday morning with Earl's assistance. We are blessed to have several men willing to serve the congregation as Lay Readers. Thank you!
Russell led Christian Education this past Sunday, continuing his study of Works and Faith and Justification. Russell discussed these ideas from the point of view of the Roman Catholic Church, Martin Luther, Calvin, and others.
Mike and Claudia have sent pictures of their wonderful adventure in the UK. Looks like they are having a grand time!
Sat. Sept. 7 @ 10 am - Men's Group Meeting at the Church
Sunday Sept. 8 @ 10 am - Jim will continue his study of the
Sunday Sept. 8 @ 11 am - Deacon Shoup from NC is returning to lead a
Deacon's Mass
Sunday Sept. 8 @ noon - Monthly Luncheon
Sunday Sept. 8 - Mission Committee Meeting after lunch
We are still collecting socks (particularly diabetic socks) and cereal for Shades of Grace.
Future Events
Saturday Sept 14 @ 9 am - Father Swingert is visiting St. Peters. He will lead a Holy Communion Service!
Wed Sept 18 @ 6 pm - Family Night Out - we will meet to price items and prepare for the yard sale on Sat.
Sat. Sept. 21 - Church yard sale. Jim is organizing a yard sale to raise money for new bushes/landscaping for the Church. Please start collecting items that we can offer. We will store the items in the office beside the back door. Please price items before bringing if possible!
Wed. Sept. 25 - Women's Bible Study starts again. We are using Margaret Feinberg's six week session "Scouting the Divine, Searching for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey". We will meet at Carole Anders house at 10:00 am (1022 Beechwood Drive, Kingsport).
Oct. 6 @ 11 am - Father Scott Koszalinski from Knoxville will lead Holy Communion Services. He has agreed to come the first Sunday of the month starting in Oct.
FYI - Just a reminder
Many of us do our holiday shopping at Amazon. Please remember to go to:
and select Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Church as your charity to generate donations for Saint Peter's. There is no additional cost to you but we receive a small percentage of each purchase when we are selected!