Septuagesima Sunday - The Gesima Season Starts . . .
"And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?" Matthew 20:6
Fr. Scott's sermon on Septuagesima Sunday tied together both the Epistle lesson (Paul's famous analogy of the Christian life being like running a race) and the Gospel lesson (Jesus's parable of the labourers hired to work in a householder's vineyard). The day / night cycle in the parable may be interpretated as either the life span of a person or as the history of the world. As Christians we should strive to win the race and to be the best employee in God's vineyard.
Please find his complete sermon at the 2:00 mark at the following link:
Fr. Scott reminded us to use this season of preparation to become better Christians and to remember Christians get to work for Christ because we have salvation. Thank you for that thoughtful sermon!
In Christian Education this Sunday, Fr. Scott discussed the 'Season of Gesima' also known as the Preparation for the Preparation of Easter. This is the last season added to the church calendar with rules determined by Pope Gregory the Great. Fr. Scott reviewed several of the church traditions of this season including cleaning out the pantry in preparation of Lent and Burying the Alleluia.
Fr. Scott read the following paragraph about the burying of the Alleluia:
We bury the Alleluia also to deposit it into the grave, to have it rest just as we will one day, rest in the grave awaiting our own resurrection. We symbolically resurrect the Alleluia on Resurrection Sunday, Easter, as a sign to us that just as our Lord was Resurrected so shall we be Resurrected. We collect the interest of our non use of it on Easter Sunday and proclaim it all the more loudly and with all that much more joy when we pick it up again.
Thank you Fr. Scott for the very informative lesson!
After services . . .
Lynn brought this beautiful Birthday cake in celebration of Daryl's Birthday!
Happy Birthday Daryl!
After singing Happy Birthday to Daryl, we enjoyed a wonderful potluck luncheon!
Thank you to everyone for all the delicious food!
Starting Sunday, March 6, Fr. Scott is asking anyone desiring confirmation to come to the Sunday morning Christian Education classes. Through out Lent he will use this time for teaching and reviewing the information needed for confirmation. In order to have enough time to cover all the information, Christian Education will start at 9:30 am. Please let Fr. Scott know if you are interested in confirmation!
On Shrove Tuesday we are having a pancake supper at the church. Food will be served at 5 pm. Deborah has volunteered to take the lead! Please let her know if you plan to attend or if you are available to help.
Thank you Deborah!
Please join us Wednesday, March 2 at 5 pm for our Ash Wednesday Service. Fr. Scott will lead the service.
The Stations of The Cross
We are opening the church every Friday evening in Lent for a Stations of the Cross service followed by a light dinner. The first of these services will be on Friday, March 4 at 5 pm. More information to come!
The fourteen Stations of the Cross allow us to walk with Jesus Christ during His final day before the Crucifixion using fourteen scripture readings interspersed with prayer. Each station represents one event that happened along the way. We can join in with early Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem who walked the Via Dolorosa, which is the path walked by Jesus to Mount Calvary. Come join us in this ancient tradition remembering Christ's Passion.
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me (Rosalind) if you would like to join us on Discord.
This Monday is St. Valentine's Day. St. Valentine was a Christian priest and physician living in Rome during the reign of Claudius Gothicus (267-270 AD). He married young Christians couples in defiance of an imperial edict forbidding such marriages. St. Valentine was arrested, condemned to death for his faith, beaten, and beheaded on Feb. 14, AD 270.
Claudia sent this beautiful picture of her son and granddaughters on their way to a Father/Daughter dance! Thank you for sharing that precious moment with us!
Diane sent this winter wonderland picture of her back yard this Sunday morning! Stay warm and dry!
Teresa sent this beautiful picture from her most recent trip to Hilton Head with Agnes. Just stunning!
And a sure sign that Spring and Easter are coming - my Lenten Rose is blooming!
February Activities
Tues., Feb. 15 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Sun., Feb. 20 10:00 Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
(cash plate to Fr. Scott's Discretionary Fund)
Tues., Feb. 22 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Sun., Feb. 27 10:00 Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
March Activities
Tues., March 1 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Tues., March 1 5 pm, Shrove Tuesday Dinner
Wed., March 2 5 pm, Ash Wednesday/Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
Fri., March 4 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 6 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
Tues., March 8 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Fri., March 11 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 13 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
noon - pot luck luncheon
Tues., March 15 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Fri., March 18 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 20 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
(cash plate to Fr. Scott's Discretionary Fund)
1 pm - Mission Committee Meeting
Tues., March 22 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Fri., March 25 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 27 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott