But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest...
Matthew 13: 29-30
Fr. Scott's sermon for the Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany discussed both parables in general and the parable of the wheat and the tares from this Sunday's gospel lesson. Parables are Jesus's most famous teaching style and are earthly stories with heavenly meanings. Fr. Scott reviewed both the wheat & tares parable and Jesus's explanation of this parable. He reminded us there are tares among us - both saved and unsaved are together in the church. However, through faith in Jesus Christ, tares can be transformed into wheat.
Please find his complete sermon at the 17:35 mark at the following link:
Fr. Scott closed by asking us to be sure we know whether we are wheat or tares!
In Christian Education Fr. Scott discussed the relationship between the Crown in England and the Anglican Church. He reminded us that Queen Elizabeth II just celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of her coronation (70 years on the throne). He reviewed the early history of the Church of England in the American Colonies, the shortage of bishops, the first American bishops, and the growth of the Methodist & Baptist denominations during this time frame.
Thank you, Fr. Scott for that very informative lesson!
After services we enjoyed a wonderful lunch including homemade soup, ham & cheese sliders, fresh bread, fruit salad, and several desserts provided by Carole, Rose Marie, and Deborah! Thank you for all the amazing food.
Also, it was wonderful to have Carole back with us again!
Another wonderful Sunday at St. Peter's!
We also want to say hello and welcome to Cary, Brittany, Thomas, and Fielding. They joined us for services both this Sunday and for Candlemas! We look forward to getting to know them in the future.
On Wednesday, February 2, we celebrated Candlemas. Please find Fr. Scott's sermon from this service at the 19:55 mark at the following link:
Thank you Fr. Scott for this lovely midweek service!
Teresa organized a belated birthday celebration for Rose Marie this week at 'The Coffee Company' in Elizabethton!
Great food, coffee, and company! Happy Belated Birthday to Rose Marie!
Next Sunday, February 13, remember to bring a dish for our monthly pot luck luncheon!