PRAYER OF JOHN DONNE (b. 1572 - d. 1631)
Wilt Thou forgive the sin where I begun, which was my sin though it were done before?
Wilt Thou forgive that sin through which I run and do run still, though still I do deplore?
When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done, for I have more, for I have more.
Wilt Thou forgive the sin which I have won others to sin, and made my sins their door?
Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I did shun a year or two, but wallowed in a score?
When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done, for I have more, for I have more.
I have a sin of fear that when I've spun my last thread I shall perish on the shore.
Swear by Thyself that at my death Thy Sun shall shine as it shines now and heretofore,
And having done that, Thou hast done. I have no more. I have no more
"Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."
St. John 8:57-58
Fr. Yossi's sermon on Passion Sunday discussed Jesus's debate with the Pharisees about Abraham's true descendants as described in the Gospel Lesson from John 8. During this debate, Christ is accused of both being an imposter and being possessed by a devil. Jesus doesn't retaliate, rather he tries to educate the Pharisees. However, the Pharisees do not want to believe Christ and become even more angry as their arguments are effectively countered by Christ. From this debate Fr. Yossi reminds us that our actions must match our doctrine and our doctrine must be pure (i.e. what scripture says). Also, the Gospel is the Good News which is meant to be spread - silence on our part may condemn someone else to Hell.
Please find Fr. Yossi's sermon and the complete service at the following link:
Thank you Fr. Yossi for the beautiful service and sermon. Thank you Br. Scott for leading Morning Prayer. Thank you Hutch for serving at the altar.
Sue and Scott shared their amazing musical talents and skills with us on Passion Sunday. They played the prelude and accompanied several of the hymns. Thank you both so much - everything was beautiful!
After services we enjoyed a wonderful lunch provided by the men in the congregation! The food included Irish beef stew with barley, beef stroganoff, Mediterranean pita nachos, and several delicious desserts. Thank you all for the amazing lunch!
It was wonderful to have Mike, Claudia, Lynn, and Daryl back with us this past Sunday. We've missed them the last few weeks and celebrate having them with us again!
Claudia sent this beautiful note to the Church:
Mike and I want to thank our St. Peter's family for all your concern and prayers over the past many months. We are so thankful for a successful ablation and the promise of better health and more energy. Also MIke is doing much better on his new treatment and we're hopeful he'll continue to improve. We covet your continued prayers for us as we navigate his illness! Your welcoming hugs and greetings on Sunday encouraged us more than you know!
With love, Claudia and Mike
The Next Two Weeks - a Very Busy Time
Fr. Yossi and the Mission Committee have completed the schedule of services for the last two weeks in Lent including Holy Week - leading up Easter.
On Saturday, March 23 at 10 am we are decorating and cleaning the church for Palm Sunday as well as making palm crosses & rosettes. Please join us!
Palm Sunday, March 24, 11 am
Holy Communion
No Sunday School
Hot Cross Buns with lunch after services
Maundy Thurday, March 27, 5 pm
Holy Communion
Foot washing
Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday, March 28, 5pm
Good Friday Services
Stations of the Cross
Easter Vigil, March 30
8 am - 5 pm
Please speak with Fr. Yossi if you want to help with the Vigil.
Easter Sunday
March 31 @ 11 am
Holy Communion
No Sunday School
After Easter services, we will celebrate with a Festive Congregational Easter Feast. The church will provide an Easter ham and drinks! Please bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert to pass.
Please sign up downstairs so we can have accurate head count!
Fr. Yossi completed his series of lessons for Christian Education entitled "Heaven and Hell in Christian Thought & Doctrine". Starting Sunday April 7, Fr. Yossi will start a new Christian Education series on miracles. Please note Christian Education classes are cancelled on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.
Fr. Yossi has asked us to bring our Bibles for these studies. Please join us on April 7 at 10 am - a pot of coffee will be on!
Our Bible Study will continue this Wednesday, March 20 @ 11 am at the church. Fr. Paul is leading a series of lessons which are focused on his book As It Is In Heaven A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Introduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship. The topic for the next lecture is "The Model of Worship from Heaven".
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday at 2 pm. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.
Lynn made this fidget quilt for Fr. Yossi to use in his Ministry as a Hospice Chaplain. Thank you Lynn for so generously sharing your sewing skills!
While on a recent visit to CA, Benita received the Joseph M Lyons award from the San Gabriel Valley Consortium on Homelessness. The award recognized her for "local and regional leadership & advocacy in preventing and ending homelessness through housing creation". Congratulations, Benita!
Help for Those in Need
Lynn reminded us Shades of Grace is in need of toiletry items. Thank you Lynn for the reminder. St. Peter's has supported the Shades of Grace Ministry for a number of years as they provide help to those in need in the Tri-Cities area. Please find more information on Shades of Grace at the following link:
Lynn plans to deliver the toiletries to Shades of Grace after Easter. Please put any donations in the basket under the table in the Narthex.
Lenten Devotional
The Lenten Devotional created by our Deanery is now available at the following link:
Both Fr. Yossi and Br. Scott contributed to this devotional! The devotional is a PDF and may be read on the computer or printed out (FYI it is over 100 pages long).
Lenten Appeal - 2024
The Lenten Appeal for 2024 goes to support St. Dunstan's Academy. Please consider supporting this worthy cause! Please mark any donation as "Lenten Appeal" and place in the offertory.
Fr. Yossi received the following information from the Diocese of the Eastern United States (DEUS) office about the annual Diocesan Meeting. Fr. Yossi will attend as our Vicar. Teresa and I (Rosalind) will attend as voting delegates. All other members are invited to attend if interested! Please see Fr. Yossi if you are interested!
We are pleased to announce that the registration for the DEUS Synod is now open! The event will take place at the Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons in North Carolina, with St. John's Church serving as our host parish. You can find more information about registration, hotels, and the schedule on the APA website under the Events tab.
The Synod will be held from July 29 to August 2, 2024. On Monday and Tuesday, various committees of the diocese will meet. On Wednesday morning, there will be a Clergy Conference and a Clergy Wives Brunch. The Synod will begin at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, and will end after the banquet on Thursday evening.
March Activities
Wed., Mar. 20 11 am Bible Study
Thur., Mar. 21 2 pm Online Prayer Group
Sat., Mar. 23 10 am - decorate the church
for Palm Sunday
Sun., Mar. 24 Palm Sunday
11 am Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Br. Scott
12:30 Team 1
Wed., Mar. 27 11 am Bible Study
Thur., Mar. 28 2 pm Online Prayer Group
Thur., Mar. 28 5 pm Maundy Thursday
Holy Communion with foot washing
Fr. Yossi, Hutch
Fri., Mar. 29 5 pm Good Friday Service followed by
Stations of the Cross
Fr. Yossi
Sat., Mar. 30 8 am to 5 pm Easter vigil
Sun., Mar. 31 Easter Sunday
11 am Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Anderson, Hutch, & Br. Scott
12:30 Congregational Easter Feast