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The First Sunday after Christmas

"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

St. Matthew 1:23


Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services

Fr. Paul led beautiful Holy Communion Services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. Thank you Fr. Paul for the beautiful services! Please find his sermons at the links below:

Christmas Eve

Christmas Morning

Thank you Fr. Mike for serving with Fr. Paul for both services. Thank you Levi for serving on Christmas Eve and Hutch for serving on Christmas Morning.


The First Sunday after Christmas

Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our beautiful Holy Communion Service this past Sunday! Thank you, Fr. Mike and Hutch for serving with Fr. Paul!  Please find Fr. Paul's sermon at the following link:


After services Cook Team 4 provided a delicious lunch of lentil soup, ham & cheese sliders, salad, fresh bread, and delicious brownies. Thank you so much Jessica, Ambler, and Rosalind!


Thank you Fr. Mike for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.

Fr. Mike posted a sign up sheet for Morning Prayer

lesson readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!


Fr. Paul's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly lessons and how they tie in with the other daily readings continued this past Sunday. Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!

On Sunday, January 19, Fr. Paul will start a new series of Christian Education classes about Anglicanism including discussions about the Book of Common Prayer, Anglican Traditions, etc. This series, we hope, we will be beneficial for those new to Anglicanism as well as a refresher for long time Anglican’s/Cradle Episcopalians. Please join us for this informative series of classes!


We have started a children's Sunday School session beginning at 9:15. We are using the program produced by the APA - "The Life of Christ - From Bethlehem to Emmaus". Diane, Jessica, and Rosalind are teaching the classes.


Choir rehearsal will resume at 10 am on Thursday, January 9 upstairs in the sanctuary under. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Paul or Rose Marie for more information.


Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul will resume on Thursday January 9 at 11 am. 

Fr. Paul is asking that people interested in 'The Tabletalk' monthly devotional magazine please let him know. Each issue contains feature articles, daily Bible studies, and columns touching on biblical, theological, and practical themes to help strengthen and encourage you in your faith.  He has a collection of past issues for your review at the church. 


We will celebrate the Circumcision of Christ with Holy Communion on Wednesday January 1 at 11 am (please note revised time).

We will celebrate The Epiphany with Holy Communion on Monday, January 6 at 11 am.


Christmas Pictures!

"O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,

Of all the trees most lovely"

Fr. Brandon and Ann

Our St. Peter's Christmas tree looked lovely on Christmas Eve!

Several parishioners shared pictures of their beautiful trees!

Claudia's tree
Nancy's Tree
Lynn's Tree
Jessica's Tree
Elaine's Tree
Rose Marie's Family tree
Teresa's Tree
Benita's Tree
Lin's Tree
Diane's Tree
Ambler's Tree
Taylor's Tree

Fr. Paul and Benita invited everyone to a Christmas Open House at their new home this past Saturday!

A beautiful home, delicious food, and wonderful company! Thank you Fr. Paul and Benita for opening your home to all of us!

Rose Marie sent this beautiful picture from Missouri where she is visiting her son and family including grand and great grand children!


Updated Food Team Schedule

Team 1

Agnes, Diane, Lin B., Nancy, Michele, Teresa

Team 2

Carol T., Claudia, Laurel, Lynn L.

Team 3

Carole A., Melinda, Misty, Rose

Team 4

Ambler, Benita, Jessica, Rosalind

Team 5

Men’s Team

January 5 Team 5

January 12 Potluck

January 19 Team 1

January 26 Team 2

February 2 Team 3

February 9 Potluck

February 16 Team 4

February 26 Team 5

March 2 Team 1

March 9 Potluck

March 16 Team 2

March 23 Team 3

March 30 Team 4

Thank you Jessica for updating and maintaining this schedule!


Calendar of Events:

Starting Wednesday, January 8, Fr. Paul will keep the following weekday schedule:

Morning Prayer

9 am on M Tu W & F

Noon Prayer

12 pm on M Tu & F

Low Mass & Annointing

11 am on Wed

January Activities

Wed., Jan. 1

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Levi

Thur., Jan. 2

10 am Choir Practice, cancelled

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul, cancelled

Sun., Jan. 5

9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Hutch, Levi

12:30 Team 5

Mon., Jan. 6

11 am Holy Communion

The Epiphany

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Levi

Thur., Jan. 9

10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Jan. 12

9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Anderson

12:30 Potluck

1:30 Mission Committee


Thur., Jan. 16

10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Jan. 19

9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Anderson

Discretionary Fund

Team 1

Thur., Jan. 23

10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Jan. 26

9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike,

Team 2

Thur., Jan. 30

10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul


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