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The First Sunday in Advent - 2024

"And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest."

St. Matthew 21:9


Fr. Paul led a beautiful Holy Communion service for the first time at St. Peter's! Thank you Fr. Paul for the beautiful service and sermon. Thank you Fr. Mike, Anderson, and Levi for serving with Fr. Paul. Please find the sermon at the following link:

During the announcements Fr. Paul presented future ideas for St. Peters. Starting in January he will be at the church every weekday morning between 9 and noon. On Monday, Tuesday, & Friday he will lead Morning Prayer at 9 am and Afternoon Prayer at noon. On Wednesday he will lead a low mass beginning at 11 am. On Thursday he will continue with choir rehearsal and Bible Study. In addition he will meet for Confession by appointment.

Other ideas he discussed include:

-introducing ushers to the Sunday services, they would greet people at the door and assist with the flow of people to & from the altar rail

- starting a Classic Christian Reading Club which would alternate between an older Classic Christian work (Augustine's "City of God" or his "Confessions") and a new work such as J.G. Machen's "Christianity and Liberalism".

Please let Fr. Paul or me know if you are interested in either being an usher or joining the book club.

After services we enjoyed a delicious lunch of vegetable beef soup, chicken chili, bread, salad, and several delicious desserts. Thank you Nancy, Diane, Lin, and Carol!


Fr. Mike led our lovely Morning Prayer service this past Sunday. Please join us next Sunday at 10:15 am! Fr. Mike has posted a sign up sheet for Morning Prayer lesson readers on the bulletin board downstairs. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!


This past Sunday, Fr. Paul continued our Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly lessons and how they tie together. Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!


Help with Books!

Fr. Paul and Benita are completing the move to their new house. Fr. Paul has many, many books to pack and move in the next week and is hoping for help packing boxes! He would be very grateful to anyone who could help this week on Monday & Tues after 2 pm and Wednesday & Friday after 10 am. Please let him know! Their address is 144 Free Hill Extension, Johnson City.


Lunch at Chop House and By the Fireside: Symphony of the Mountains Holiday Concert - Saturday Dec. 7

The Symphony of the Mountains is having their 'By The Fireside' Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 7 at 3 pm at the Toy F. Reid Eastman Employee Center in Kingsport. For all who signed up, Rose Marie has both lunch reservations at The Chop House in Kingsport at 11:30 and has picked up the tickets for distribution before the concert.


St. Peter the Apostle Anglican Church


The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

The Festival tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ through nine scripture readings interspersed with traditional hymns and carols of the Christmas Season. First used in England to start the healing process after the horrors of WWI, the Festival is Anglican in origin but now used by many churches. The service at St. Peter the Apostle Anglican Church features the traditional readings and traditional Christmas Hymns.

Please join us on Sunday, December 8 at 11 am for this beautiful service! Please note there will be a Holy Communion Service at 10 am but both Morning Prayer and Christian Education are cancelled.

For after services refreshments, we are asking everyone to bring a finger food or dessert for all to enjoy!


Fr. Paul and Benita cordially invite everyone to a Christmas Open House at their new home! Please join them for this time of fellowship, celebration, and fun on Saturday, December 21 starting at 2 pm. There will be light snacks, beverages, decorations, and of course, Christmas music! Please let Fr. Paul, Benita, or me know if you plan to come.


Jessica sent the following information about the Constable family whom we are starting to help in their recovery from Hurricane Helene.

The Constable Family is awaiting an RV from Pennsylvania.  The delay has been because of difficulty coordinating the transportation to Tennessee.  The plan is to get it to a campground about 10 minutes from the kids’ schools in Chuckey.  They are also still awaiting an update regarding a donated car. Currently, they are borrowing a vehicle from family.

In the meantime, we have a couple of projects this month to help them:

1.  This coming Sunday ONLY (December 8th), we will be doing a cash/check collection for one big gift card for them to use for gas.

2.  Stockings for the family!  We have some very gifted ladies who can sew and are going to make stockings for the family.  Please see Lin Buckland if you would like to participate.  There is a signup sheet downstairs if you would like to buy things to go in the stockings. Sign up for one family member and coordinate with the other parishioners who’ve signed up for that same person to fill the stocking. There are a couple of “likes" for each person to help give you ideas of things to purchase.

Prayers for this family are needed as the oldest child came down with a virus this past week that is making its way through the family. Edward, Stephanie, Ethan, Eli, Chloe, and Peyton have all been so thankful for the prayers and support from this church already. Thank you!

Thank you, Jessica for the update! _____________________

Our next Mission Committee meeting is scheduled for Sunday Dec. 8 at 1:30 for both current and new members!


The December Food Schedule is as follows:

Dec 1 Team 1

Dec 8 potluck finger foods & desserts for after

  Lessons & Carols

Dec 15 Team 2

Dec 22 Team 3

Dec 29 Team 4


Advent Devotional: 

The Advent Devotional created by our local Deanery is available at the Deanery website:

Fr. Rivard is the head of the Deanery of Appalachia of which St. Peters is a member. Thank you Fr. Rivard for putting this Devotional together and for all the contributors including Fr. Yossi.


December Activities

Thur., Dec. 5 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Dec. 8 10 am Holy Communion

11 am Lessons & Carols

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Anderson

12:30 - Finger Foods & Desserts

1:30 - Mission Committee Meeting

Thur., Dec. 12 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Dec. 15 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Anderson

Discretionary Fund

12:30 Team 2

Thur., Dec. 19 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Dec. 22 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Mike, Levi

12:30 Team 3

Tues., Dec. 24 7 pm Christmas Eve Mass

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Levi

Wed., Dec. 25 10 am Christmas Day Mass

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Hutch

 Thur., Dec. 26 10 am Choir Practice - cancelled

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul - cancelled

Sun., Dec. 29 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike

12:30 Team 4




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