"And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God"
Luke 17:15
Fr. Yossi led our Holy Communion Service this past Sunday, the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sadly, I missed the service because of family illness. However, I received all these amazing pictures from Teresa!
Levi made his Sunday debut as an acolyte! Thank you Fr. Yossi for the service! Thank you Anderson and Levi for serving!
After services Rose Marie, Carole, Misty, and Lin served a delicious lunch of Taco salad, cornbread with green chilies, fruit, cherry cake, and chocolate almond cake!
Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.
Fr. Paul has posted a sign up sheet for Morning and Evening Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!
Fr. Yossi's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly lessons and how they tie in with the other daily readings continued this past Sunday. Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!
Sunday September 8th
Fr. Yossi will be out of town from Tuesday September 3 through Tuesday September 10. He will be available for emergency calls. Next Sunday, September 8, Fr. Paul is leading our Morning Prayer service starting at 11 am. After services we will host our weekly Luncheon! Come join us as Morning Prayer is a beautiful part of our Anglican Tradition and lunch will be delicious!
Praying Fr. Yossi has a wonderful vacation and safe travels.
Our monthly Pot Luck Luncheon was rescheduled to Sunday September 15.
Wednesday Evening Services:
This past Wednesday Fr. Yossi led our Holy Communion Services celebrating the Feast Day of St. Augustine of Hippo. Levi served as crucifer for the first time during this service! He did a marvelous job! What a blessing to have him both in church with us and now as an acolyte! Please note the next Holy Communion Service is on Wednesday, September 18 as Fr. Yossi is on vacation.
Before the Holy Communion Service, the St. Peter’s Grief Support Group met at 4 pm. The Grief Support Group, led by Fr. Yossi, meets biweekly. Please note the next meeting is on Wednesday, September 18 as Fr. Yossi is on vacation.
Thank you Fr. Yossi for the beautiful service and the grief support program. Thank you Hutch for serving.
The next two Wednesdays, September 4 and September 11, at 6 pm, Fr. Paul will lead our Wednesday Evening Prayer Services.
The Annual Deanery Picnic
Several people from St. Peter's attended the Annual Deanery Picnic at St. Matthew's in Weaverville, NC this past Saturday.
The above pictures are from the beautiful sanctuary at St. Matthew's.
Apparently, Diane even met one of the attendee's Vietnamese pet pig!
Agnes welcomed her new great grandson son this past week! His name is Hudson Scott and he weighed in at over 8 pounds! May God continue to bless him, his family, and our beloved Agnes!
Every quarter St. Peter's supports a local charity - most recently Shades of Grace (aid for the homeless in Kingsport) and Hope House (aid to young, unwed mothers). We also have plans to support the Marines' Toys for Tots program leading up to Christmas. The Mission Committee chose to dedicate this September to supporting St. Peters with requests for kitchen and cleaning supplies. We will collect items from the lists below in the box downstairs or the basket in the Narthex through the month of September.
Thank you to everyone for your generous support of the local charities and St. Peter's!
Our newly formed Choir is starting rehearsals at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary under Rose Marie's direction. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Yossi or Rose Marie.
Have you ever desired to have a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Have you ever wanted to cultivate this relationship by developing a better understanding of the Bible? Then join us this Thursday at St. Peter's as Fr. Paul begins one of the best teaching series on the Bible, Dust to Glory. Renowned Christian scholar, Dr. R.C. Sproul leads us on a unique study tour as he explores the major themes, events, and people in the Bible. Dust to Glory will energize your study of the Bible, provide you with new insights, and improve your ability to read, understand, and apply Scripture to your life. Please see Fr. Paul with any questions or more information.
The Anglican Anglers', the men's fly fishing group, will meet again on Sat. Sept 7 at 9 am at the church. From there they will go to a fishing location selected by Jim!
 September Activities
Wed., Sept 4 6 pm, Evening Prayer
Fr. Paul
Thur., Sept 5 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept 7 9-12 office hours, Fr. Yossi
Cancelled, Fr. Yossi, out of town
Sun., Sept 8 9:15 am Christian Education -cancelled
10:15 am Morning Prayer - cancelled
11 am Morning Prayer, Fr. Paul
12:30 Team 4
Wed., Sept 11 6 pm, Evening Prayer
Fr. Paul
Thur., Sept 12 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept 14 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
please schedule appointment
Sun., Sept 15 9:15 am Christian Education
10:15 am Morning Prayer
11 am Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Fr. Paul, Hutch, Levi
sung service with incense
Fr. Yossi discretionary fund
12:30 Potluck Luncheon
1:30 Mission Committee
Wed., Sept 18 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group
6 pm Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Hutch
Thur., Sept 19 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept. 21 11 am Holy Communion
St. Matthew Martyr Day
Fr. Yossi
sung service with incense
Sat., Sept 21 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
cancelled due to service
Sun., Sept 22 9:15 am Christian Education
10:15 am Morning Prayer
11 am Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Mike, Levi
12:30 Team 5
Wed., Sept 25 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group
6 pm Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Hutch
Thur., Sept 26 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept 28 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
please schedule appointment