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where two or three are gathered together in my name.....

We joined together again at St. Peter's for our first service since March 15. Scott, Earl and Mike led us in a simple Morning Prayer service. Even though we were in alternating pews with masks on, it was wonderful to worship at church again! After service we had coffee (from Panera) and cookies (homemade by Rose Marie in separate plastic baggies) outside in the sunshine. Next week we hope to get the music machine up and running (but no singing yet) along with Morning Prayer.

Diane brought her 'keep a distance' hula hoop along with a special enforcement plastic utensil for anyone getting too close!!! Thank you for being you!

Thank you Scott, Earl, and Mike for leading the Morning Prayer service.


Fr. Dennis is coming on Pentecost, Sunday, May 31 for Holy Communion. Final distancing and intinction plans for Holy Communion will be sent out before the service. Fr. Dennis, thank you for coming and we have missed seeing you!

We will have our weekly prayer group meeting on Discord this Wednesday, May 13 at 11:15 am. Thank you Sue for continuing to lead our prayer group!


I would greatly appreciate input on whether to continue with a Sunday service on Discord. I know many people are not ready to join services in person. Please let me know your thoughts. I pray that St. Peters is able to offer service options for everyone if possible.



Wednesday, May 13, @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord

Sunday, May 17 @ 11 am, Morning Prayer Service at St. Peters!



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