Isaiah 57:14, Old Testament Lesson

Br. Scott led a beautiful Morning Prayer service this past Sunday, The Sixth Sunday after Trinity. His sermon focused on the Old Testament lesson from Isaiah 57. Commentary from Paul Wegner states " The primary purpose of the book of Isaiah is to encourage the Israelites to turn away from their wickedness and to God, so that they can be a light to other nations." In Chapter 57, we see the purposes of Isaiah played out - the people's wickedness is exposed. God is angry. The people are called to repentance. Ultimately God will heal them and bring peace to them. Br. Scott then pointed out these same themes found in Isaiah are in the New Testament. He reviewed passages in Luke, Matthew, and Ephesians. He also pointed out that St. Peter's is a 'road' that will help link the lowly in spirit to God and that with the coming of Fr. Yossi we are beginning the work of removing the obstacles that might make it hard for people to find their way here.
Please find the complete service including Br. Scott's sermon at the following link:
Thank you, Br. Scott for the lovely service and sermon!

Fr. Yossi will join us next Sunday for Holy Communion! Please come join us as we welcome him to St. Peters's as our new Vicar!
Fr. Yossi shared the following biographical information:
Fr. Yossi was born in Knoxville, TN. He is a cradle Anglican having attended St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Knoxville from an early age. After graduating from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor degree in religious studies, Fr. Yossi attended The University of the South at Sewanee where he received his Master of Divinity. Fr. Yossi then joined the U.S. Army where he served as a Chaplain and was assigned to the 44th Medical Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg, NC. After returning from Afghanistan, Fr. Yossi was reassigned to Ft. Bliss, Texas where he fell in love with the simplicity and beauty of the Southwest. After his military service, Fr. Yossi continued to serve those in need first as a Hospital Chaplain in Albuquerque, NM and later as a hospice chaplain in both Albuquerque and Las Cruces, NM. As a civilian Fr. Yossi attended Piedmont International University where he received his Doctorate in Ministry, and most recently he received a Master of Theology degree from Nashotah House Theological Seminary.
Fr. Yossi has two sons, Josh and Troy, and a Miniature Schnauzer named Ollie. Fr. Yossi enjoys spending time with his boys, gardening, antiquing, reading, writing, and fly-fishing. He also enjoys all things related to Big Orange football and he is extremely excited to be back in his native Tennessee.

Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday at 2 pm. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.

Our next Women's Bible Study is on Wed. July 12 @ 11 am at the church. We are using "The First 24" for our study guide. This is an in depth study of Mark 1:21-45 - the first 24 hours of Jesus' public ministry. The guide is available on Amazon. Please remember to bring the book, your bible, and a lunch!
Shades of Grace posted this message on their Facebook page thanking us for the donated lunches!
