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Peace be unto you.

We celebrated the first Sunday after Easter on Discord with another lovely service put together by Earl and Mike. Thank you both for all your efforts! And thank you to everyone who joined us for the service - I think we almost have Discord mastered.

The Mission Committee had it monthly meeting on Discord after the service. By God's grace, St. Peter's is holding together both spiritually and fiscally through this strange time. Thank you to all that have sent in pledges during the last month! The Lenten Appeal sponsored by the APA has been extended through May. Also, the Synod is still scheduled for August 3-7 at All Saints Church in Mills River, NC. More information on the Lenten Appeal and the Synod will be available soon. We are anticipating reopening the church in the next couple of weeks depending on advice from the Bishops and the State of Tennessee!


Father Dennis sent a beautiful recording of a "Service of the Word (traditionally called Ante-Communion) with a Spiritual Communion". In addition to the email, he posted this service on his blog:

Thank you Fr. Dennis for sharing this beautiful recording with all of us!


Sue led our weekly prayer group meeting on Discord this past Wednesday,. Sue is truly blessed with an amazing ability to lead us in prayer. Thank you, Sue!



Wednesday, April 22, @ 5 pm, Prayer Group on Discord

Sunday, April 26 @ 11 am, Morning Prayer Service on Discord


Joining us on Discord

As part of the learning curve I have learned that microphones and headphones are not always required. Several people are just using their phones or tablets. Also my Discord expert (my game loving son) advised many different types of phones and tablets will support Discord. I hope you are all able to join us.

The process to join Discord is as follows:

1.  On the device you want to use - go to

2.  Follow the download instructions on

3.  After download, create a user name and password.  I just used my

initials - rhc.  Discord will assign a four digit code to your user name

- for example my full user name on Discord is  rhc#8162

4.  Go to the '  friends  '  tab.  Click on Add Friend .  Type in

rhc#8162.  Click    Send Friend Request.

5.  After I receive your request, I will send you an invitation to join

the St Peters Talk server.

6. After you accept the invitation to join St Peters Talk server, call me and I will show you how to get on voice. (If you don't have my number, send me an email so I can send it to you!)



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