"But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience." Luke 8:14
Fr. Scott's sermon for Sexagesima Sunday focused on the parable of the sower as told in the Gospel Lesson from Luke 8. He tied the parable to the season of Lent when we particularly focus on becoming better Christians. He reminded us that as Christians, we need to take our spiritual life seriously by weeding out any thorns growing in the ground of our lives. Please find his complete sermon at the 26:45 mark at the following link:
In Christian Education this Sunday, Fr. Scott discussed Canon Law. He reviewed the definition of and the history/development of Canon Law in the overall church and the Anglican Tradition.
Thank you Fr. Scott for the informative lesson.
After services, we shared a wonderful lunch provided by Lynn, Laurel, and Deborah!
Thank you all for the delicious food!
It was great to have Agnes back with us after her painful fall a couple of weeks ago!
Beautiful Children!
Beautiful Day!
Starting Sunday, March 6, Fr. Scott is asking anyone desiring confirmation to come to the Sunday morning Christian Education classes. Through out Lent he will use this time for teaching and reviewing the information needed for confirmation. In order to have enough time to cover all the information, Christian Education will start at 9:30 am. Please let Fr. Scott know if you are interested in confirmation!
On Shrove Tuesday we are having a pancake supper at the church. Food will be served at 5 pm. Deborah has volunteered to take the lead! The plans include pancakes with all kinds of toppings, sausage, and fruit salad. Please let her know if you plan to attend or if you are available to help.
Thank you Deborah!
Please join us Wednesday, March 2 at 5 pm for our Ash Wednesday Service. Fr. Scott will lead the service.
The Stations of The Cross
We are opening the church every Friday evening in Lent for a Stations of the Cross service followed by a light dinner. The first of these services will be on Friday, March 4 at 5 pm. More information to come!
The fourteen Stations of the Cross allow us to walk with Jesus Christ during His final day before the Crucifixion using fourteen scripture readings interspersed with prayer. Each station represents one event that happened along the way. We can join in with early Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem who walked the Via Dolorosa, which is the path walked by Jesus to Mount Calvary. Come join us in this ancient tradition remembering Christ's Passion.
Ambler forwarded this information from the ACC (one of our sister churches in the G3) about a Lenten Retreat they have scheduled in Roanoke. If you are interested in attending please contact them at the following link:
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me (Rosalind) if you would like to join us on Discord.
February Activities
Tues., Feb. 22 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Sun., Feb. 27 10:00 Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
March Activities
Tues., March 1 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Tues., March 1 5 pm, Shrove Tuesday Dinner
Wed., March 2 5 pm, Ash Wednesday/Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
Fri., March 4 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 6 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
Tues., March 8 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Fri., March 11 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 13 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
noon - pot luck luncheon
Tues., March 15 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Fri., March 18 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 20 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott
(cash plate to Fr. Scott's Discretionary Fund)
1 pm - Mission Committee Meeting
Tues., March 22 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Fri., March 25 5 pm, Stations of the Cross
followed by light dinner
Sun., March 27 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott