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The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

St. Matthew 7:21


This Sunday's sermon by Fr. Scott focused on the Gospel Lesson from Matthew 7 in which Jesus warns about false prophets. Fr. Scott reminded us that all denominations have been shaken by misconduct, including sexual misconduct, by church officials (wolves in sheep's clothing). Jesus used the term prophet to mean anyone who claims to speak for God. There are two types of false prophets: 1) their life does not match with what they preach and 2) their words do not match the Word of God. Fr. Scott discussed several ways to guard against both types of false prophets and their teachings. With the destruction caused by these false prophets all around us, Fr. Scott takes these issues very seriously and asks for our daily prayers.

Please find his complete sermon and the service on our YouTube channel:

Thank you Fr. Scott for the thoughtful and informative sermon!


After services, we enjoyed a few snacks downstairs and celebrated Elsa's '39th' birthday.

May God continue to watch over and bless Elsa!

Teresa and I both went for the maxi skirt look and enjoyed the comfort on a steamy Sunday morning!


This past Sunday, Sue led the fourth reading from "Your Healing Is Within You" by the Anglican Bishop Jim Glennon. In this Sunday's readings Bishop Glennon discussed both receiving and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank you Sue for introducing us to this very interesting book! Also, thank you for setting up and leading this wonderful study!


Regular adult Christian Education will resume on Sunday, August 21 at 10 am.


Matt and Deborah were visiting friends over the weekend. We missed seeing them this Sunday, but Deborah sent this beautiful picture of Mia on her first big road trip!

Also, Deborah has a friend in need. He is a recent college grad who has just moved to Asheville to start a new job. He is attending an Anglican church there. He is looking for a used car but is unable to find one in the Asheville area. Please contact Deborah if you have any leads on an available car!


Scott and Sue received the following note from Ming!

"I’m writing to invite you and everyone at St. Peter's to a piano recital I’ll be giving at my home church, Central Baptist in Johnson City, on the 21st, 4PM. I’ll be playing primarily Bach’s Partita No. 4 and Beethoven’s Sonata Op.110, but I may also throw in some hymns and short pieces by Arvo Pärt, especially because we’re trying to inaugurate the new Estonia concert grand that the church purchased recently. It’s handmade, and has an extraordinary sound!"

Also, while Ming is in town, he is coordinating with Scott about serving at St. Peter's! Such a treat to both hear Ming play a concert and to have him join us again!


It is time to order Ordo Kalendars for 2023. Both regular size and pockets calendars are available for $6 each. Please let Daryl know how many and what size you want by this Sunday so the order can be placed!


Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Wednesday at 11:30. We are back on the Discord platform for these meetings. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact Rosalind if you would like to join us on Discord.


Our congregational meeting has been rescheduled for Saturday, August 13. During this meeting we will consider ideas and visions for the future of our Parish, our building, Sunday School and Worship times, etc. We will have breakfast in the Parish Hall for those who would like to come a little early at 8:00am. The meeting will start at 9:00am and finish no later than 11:30am. Please try to come or send a member of your family. If you cannot be there, please send Br. Scott any ideas or suggestions you would like discussed.


Sunday, August 14, is our monthly pot luck luncheon! Please remember to bring a dish to share!


August Activities

Wed., Aug 10 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sat., Aug 13 8 am breakfast

9 am Congregational meeting

Sun., Aug 14 11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

noon Potluck Luncheon

Wed., Aug 17 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., Aug 21 10:00 Christian Education

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

(cash plate to Fr. Scott's Discretionary Fund)

Wed., Aug 24 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., Aug 28 10:00 Christian Education

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott


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