But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Matthew 6:33 - 34
Fr. Scott's sermon discussed the Gospel lesson for the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 6:24-34, BCP p. 210). What a time we are living in. The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, leaving behind Americans & allies in Afghanistan, 1.5 years of CO-VID, Delta variant, hospitals filling up, etc. If there ever was a Gospel passage about our modern American society, you would be hard pressed to find a better one than this week's. Our country can not serve two masters and has been changing from God to mammon for quite some time. The love of money blocks you from true fellowship with God because your attention is not on God and your faith is replaced with anxiety. In this passage Jesus first talks about present needs including food, water and clothing. Should we quit working to provide these and focus only on God? No - He is telling us to put in the work and leave the outcome to Him. St. Augustine said "Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." There is a point where we have to say it is in God's hands and we choose to have faith in Him. Our Lord next mentions birds and how they do not sow or reap or store in barns yet they are taken care of. Just as the birds do their part and are taken care of, we do what we can and leave the rest up to God. Next our Lord tackles physical appearance and the clothes we wear. Our Lord is not saying don't dress up and look the best you can, but He is saying God created you perfectly for His purposes. God knows what we need and promises to bless our actions to provide for us. Do not be anxious about our current world events or what tomorrow holds. God is working amongst us individually and as a church. We are called to do our part and leave the rest up to God.
Please find Fr. Scott's complete sermon at the 22:30 minute mark at the following link:
Thank you Fr. Scott for your very timely sermon!
This past Sunday Garon started his journey as an altar server! We are so grateful that he has agreed to help in this way!!
Thank you, Garon!
In Christian Education Fr. Scott discussed the last three early church councils starting with the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 AD.
This council addressed the monophysite (one divine nature) theory which was supported by the so called Robber council (second council of Ephesus in 449) and refuted by the Chalcedon Council in 451. These disagreements caused a schism with churches that rejected the Chalcedon Statement resulting in the Oriental Church. The Second Council of Constantinople reaffirmed the Chalcedonian definition, condemned three chapters of writings from various authors, condemned the Robber Council and rejected monenergism (one energy) & monothelitism (one will). However, the schism was not healed and the papacy was weakened.
The Third Council of Constantinople in 681 dealt with the already rejected idea of monothelitism which was the idea Christ did not have a human will but rather only a divine will.
The Quinisext Council (Fifth-Sixth Council) dealt with clerical discipline and biblical canon. The Western churches rejected this council because they did not attend. The divide between the Eastern and Western churches was growing and the Muslim invasions of the Eastern church were starting.
Thank you Fr. Scott for a very interesting lesson!
After services we had a wonderful pot luck luncheon. Thank you to everyone who brought a dish to share. Once again the food was amazing!