"But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
St. Luke 12: 20-21
Fr. Paul led our beautiful Morning Prayer service this past Sunday. Thank you Fr. Paul for stepping in while Fr. Yossi was on vacation.
After services we enjoyed a wonderful lunch of ribs, Baked beans, cornbread, Cole Slaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, apple crisp, and dump cake!
Thank you Jessica, Mere, Ambler, and Rosalind for all the delicious food!
We celebrated having both Elaine and Garrett at church on the same Sunday after all their traveling back and forth to Michigan!
Looks like Carol, Levi, and especially Nancy were having fun after lunch!
Thank you to everyone for another wonderful Sunday at St. Peter's!
Next Sunday we will resume our standard schedule of 9:15 Christian Education, 10:15 Morning Prayer, and
and 11:00 Holy Communion.
Our monthly Potluck Luncheon is next Sunday, September 15!
Wednesday Evening Services:
Fr. Paul led our Evening Prayer service this past Wednesday. As Fr. Yossi is traveling, Fr. Paul will also lead an Evening Prayer service this Wednesday, September 11 at 6 pm.
Holy Communion
On Wednesday, September 18 and Wednesday September 25, Fr. Yossi will lead Holy Communion Services at 6pm.
Before each of the Holy Communion Services, the St. Peter’s Grief Support Group will meet at 4 pm.
On Saturday, September 21 at 11 am we will celebrate St. Matthew's Martyr Day with a Holy Communion Service (sung service with incense).
Last week we installed the shield for displaying the crucifix and supporting the sanctuary light. Diane and Rosalind designed the shield, Jim (Diane's husband) fabricated the shield, and Jeff (Rosalind's husband) stained the shield. This shield installation completes the behind the altar wall improvement work started this spring! Our next improvement project is installing new windows in October.
Our Choir is holding rehearsals at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary under Rose Marie's direction. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Yossi or Rose Marie for more information.
Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul, started this past Thursday at 11 am.  The study is using the "Dust to Glory" study guide and DVDs originally created by the renowned Christian scholar Dr. R.C. Sproul. We completed lessons 1 & 2 in the study guide this past week.
This Thursday we will complete lessons 3 &4. Please see Fr. Paul with any questions or for more information.
The Anglican Anglers', the men's fly fishing group, met and fished this past Saturday.
JP and Hutch sent these pictures to document their adventures ( just don't look too closely at the fish). Jim reported a good time had by all!
The new 2025 Ordo Kalendars are in and available for pickup in the Parish Hall if you ordered one - just leave your payment in the envelope on the table with the calendars. Also, there are a few extras available at $10 each.
Every quarter St. Peter's supports a local charity - most recently Shades of Grace (aid for the homeless in Kingsport) and Hope House (aid to young, unwed mothers). We also have plans to support the Marines' Toys for Tots program leading up to Christmas. The Mission Committee chose to dedicate this September to supporting St. Peters with requests for kitchen and cleaning supplies. We will collect items from the lists below in the box downstairs or the basket in the Narthex through the month of September.
Thank you to everyone for your generous support of the local charities and St. Peter's!
September Activities
Wed., Sept 11 6 pm, Evening Prayer
Fr. Paul
Thur., Sept 12 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept 14 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
please schedule appointment
Sun., Sept 15 9:15 am Christian Education
10:15 am Morning Prayer
11 am Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Fr. Paul, Hutch, Levi
sung service with incense
Fr. Yossi discretionary fund
12:30 Potluck Luncheon
1:30 Mission Committee
Wed., Sept 18 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group
6 pm Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Hutch
Thur., Sept 19 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept. 21 11 am Holy Communion
St. Matthew's Martyr Day
Fr. Yossi
sung service with incense
Sat., Sept 21 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
cancelled due to service
Sun., Sept 22 9:15 am Christian Education
10:15 am Morning Prayer
11 am Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Mike, Levi
12:30 Team 5
Wed., Sept 25 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group
6 pm Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Hutch
Thur., Sept 26 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept 28 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
please schedule appointment