Fr. Scott started his sermon by reminding us just how relevant the Bible is to us today. We can read about the events of the past, many very similar to events happening today, and learn how God dealt with them. The Body of Christ is under attack as the United States moves from a nominally Christian culture to a boldly NOT Christian culture. Christians upholding the Biblical truths of the Bible are often met with hostility and ridicule. Jesus faced these same reactions in our Gospel lesson starting at John 8:46. The Jewish leaders were unable to answer Jesus's arguments so they resorted to ad hominem attacks followed by violence. Fr. Scott then reviewed how Jesus dealt with those attacks and what we can learn from his response!
Please find Fr. Scott's complete sermon at the 24:45 mark at the following link:
Thank you Fr. Scott for such a timely and relevant sermon!
Ming, thank you so much for playing all our music each Sunday! You play so beautifully and we are truly blessed to have you here!
In Sunday school, Fr. Scott finished part 3 of his review of the Holy Communion service. He reviewed the 'Great Amen' (end of the prayers on p 81), the Lord's Prayer, the Peace, the Agnus Dei (not in the 1928 BCP), the Prayer of Humble Access (added by Thomas Cranmer to the translated Roman Mass), post Communion Thanksgiving (added by Thomas Cranmer to the translated Roman Mass), and the Gloria in Excelsis (moved by Thomas Cranmer to the end of the service). He also explained the theological reason priests receive Holy Communion first: They cannot give something that they have not first received. He also reviewed the handling, storing, and disposal of elements not used immediately after consecrating. Thank you Fr. Scott for such an informative class and for answering all our questions!
Diane led our Stations of the Cross service this past Friday. A few days before the service, she asked each participant to pray and meditate on an assigned station or two. During the service each reader shared their thoughts, insights, research, and/or prayers on their assigned stations. Each reader was led by the Holy Spirit in a different direction including a particular piece of music, a specific family memory, research, reading of specific bible verses, etc. A beautiful, inspirational, and heartfelt service! Thank you Diane for organizing and running such a beautiful Stations of the Cross Service!
Not sure what message Earl is trying to send!?!?
Maybe he just wanted a different photographer???
After services, we dined on homemade Italian Wedding Soup and bread brought by Sue and yummy cookies brought by Rose Marie!
This was our last Lenten Stations of the Cross service. Next Friday Fr. Scott will lead the reading of The Litany and A Penitential Office. We will meet at 5 pm for those readings.
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact Rosalind if you would like to join us on Discord.
Wonderful News! Scott has been accepted as an aspiring Deacon in the APA by Bp. Grundorf. May God Bless Scott as he prepares to begin this process!!!
More Wonderful News! Fr. Scott has been offered a teaching position plus an IT position at an area Christian school. May God continue to bless Fr. Scott, his family, and St. Peters as we all grow together!
Fr Dennis will be joining us on Sunday, April 25 for a "Big Thank You So Much" celebration! We want to thank him for his trips over the mountains in all kinds of weather to provide St. Peters with Holy Communion. Also we hope he will come visit often! More information to come!
Mike and Claudia sent these beautiful pictures from their recent trip to the Greenbrier in West Virginia! Looks beautiful! So happy they have returned safely!
Teresa and Agnes are visiting Hilton Head. Teresa sent these pictures from the Anglican Church of the Redeemer which she regularly attends while there! Fr. Chris Gardner is the Vicar.
Additional prayers for all of our other traveling members this week!
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday - the beginning of Holy Week!!
After Palm Sunday (March 28) services, we will have a congregational pot luck brunch! Please bring a dish to share and join us! Also, on Palm Sunday we are hosting an old fashioned pounding for Maryl and Fr. Scott! We are hoping to stock their pantry with all kinds of staples. I will send out an email later this week with more information!
Our Holy Week Schedule along with a message from Fr. Scott has been posted on Facebook!
Everyone knows to come to Church to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord on Easter morning but what of the days leading up to this greatest of miracles? Please join us as we celebrate Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. If you have never witnessed Holy Week services then you are truly missing out, Easter Sunday is so much more glorious when you have first walked with our Lord during His darkest days. To be with our Lord at His lowest makes being with Him at His highest all the more meaningful. Walk with us into the deeper mysteries of our Christian Faith.
We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
On Saturday, April 3 at 3 pm, please come help us set up the church for Easter Sunday. All help is welcome!
Below is the most recent flier from the APA about the annual Lenten Appeal - please read and consider supporting this worthy cause! Please mark any donation as "Lenten Appeal" and place in the offertory.