"And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not."
Luke 7:13

Fr. Scott's sermon focused on the funeral of the widow's son as described in the Gospel lesson from Luke. He compared the lavish funeral of Queen Elizabeth II to the simple funeral described in Luke. He reminded us that Jesus didn't just accidentally encounter this funeral. Rather Jesus comes to us during our dark days, inviting us to offer up our pain. If we trust God with our eternal salvation, why not with our every day life?
Please find the complete sermon and service at the following link:
Thank you Fr. Scott for the thoughtful sermon!

During Christian Education this past Sunday Fr. Scott reviewed Quartering Days, Cross Quartering Days, Ember Days, and Rogation Days.
Next week bring your Bible and join us as we return to reading and studying 1 Peter.
Our beloved Sigrid passed away on Saturday, Oct. 1.

Her obituary and burial plans are at the following link:
Sigrid and her husband, Bill,

were founding members of The Church of the Good Shepherd (ACC) in Abingdon in 1978. She served in many positions there including both Sr. and Jr. Warden. When Good Shepherd closed she, along several other members, started attending St. Peter's. Following are several pictures of Sigrid from her time at St. Peter's.

Sigrid modeling Mike's hat!
Sigrid and Diane in a deep conversation!

Sigrid joined us when we ate dinner out and attended the Red Sea Miracle Movie.

Shrove Tuesday dinner at the Perkin's in Bristol!

Prayer from Fr. Scott:
"Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace." Amen
I will miss you . . .

On Thursday, September 29 we celebrated the Feast Day of St. Michael & All Angels. Fr. Scott led a Holy Communion Service at 5pm. Please find the complete service on our YouTube channel at:
Following services we continued our celebration with a Michaelmas feast . . .

Deborah organized and prepared much of the feast including the turkey, the blackberry tart, mashed potatoes, and much more! Thank you, Deborah for all your work and making the Michaelmas Feast so wonderful!! Also, thank you to all the other people who brought food!

On Wednesday last week, we celebrated the September birthdays (Carole and me) at the Southern Craft Restaurant in Johnson City. Thank you to everyone for the gifts and the joyous company!

Our Annual Congregational Meeting is coming up at the beginning of Advent. An operating budget must be submitted and approved for the next church year. In order to establish a budget we must ask for pledges. Please prayerfully consider and submit your pledge by next Sunday. Daryl has blank pledge sheets in the Narthex. As in the past, we ask only for anonymous pledges dropped in the offertory plate or sent in the mail to the church. The pledge slips will be tallied and then destroyed as we do not track pledges.

Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact Rosalind if you would like to join us on Discord.

Sunday, October 9, is our monthly pot luck luncheon! Please remember to bring a dish to share!
Blessing of the Animals

We are sponsoring a Blessing of the Animals celebration on the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Fr. Scott will bless pets between 4 and 6 pm on Oct. 4 at the church. We want to reach out to all local pet owners for this event. Teresa has created flyers and is mailing them to local veterinarian offices and shelters. We are also planning to announce in the Kingsport Times and possibly other local magazines.
Fr. Scott prepared the following message for the flyers:
Gen 9:9-10 says “And I (God) establish my covenant with you… and from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth.” God deeply cares about all His creation, from the house fly to the human, all are worthy of His love. We participate in His love though our own care of animals that have found their way into our lives. St. Francis of Assisi, during his life, proclaimed the love of God to all, even to the animals around him. On his feast day, we especially remember and dedicate our furry, feathery, finned, and any other companions to God.
The rest of the flyer has the following information:
As part of remembering this special man, our priest,Fr. Scott Greene, is offering special blessings for all pets brought to the church. In addition to the blessing, a small treat will be given to each blessed pet. For everyone’s safety, we ask that all pets are properly restrained. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be rescheduled.
Please let Fr. Scott or Teresa know if you have ideas for more outreach for this event!
Armed Intruder Training
". . . Be not ye afraid of them: remember the LORD, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses." Nehemiah 4 :14
