"And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not."
St. Luke 7:13
Fr. Yossi led our beautiful sung service with incense this past Sunday. His sermon discussed the Gospel for last week (when he was on vacation) from St. Matthew 6 in which Jesus discusses serving more than one master. Fr. Yossi started by asking us what we lie awake at night worrying about? We all have worries but Jesus tells us not to worry - but how do we stop worrying? The only important question is how do I better serve the Kingdom of God? Jesus says we don't have to let worrying about the day to day get in the way of thinking about the eternal things of God. Let your thoughts be about the Kingdom that God is creating in and around you, and for you and see if the day's troubles might not seem so overwhelming.
In addition to serving as crucifer, Levi read the Epistle Lesson this past Sunday!
Our newly formed choir made their official debut during the Holy Communion service this past Sunday! They sounded and looked beautiful - what a wonderful addition to our services!
Thank you to Fr. Yossi, Hutch, Levi, and all the choir members for a beautiful service!!
After services we enjoyed an amazing potluck luncheon! We also celebrated the September birthdays!
Thank you to everyone for bringing all the delicious food and being such wonderful company!
Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.
Fr. Paul posted a sign up sheet for Morning and Evening Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!
Fr. Yossi's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly lessons and how they tie in with the other daily readings continued this past Sunday.
Next Sunday Taylor is leading our Christian Education Class! Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!
Wednesday Evening Services:
Starting in October, the Wednesday Evening Services will begin at 5:30.
Fr. Paul led our beautiful Evening Prayer service this past Wednesday evening. Thank you Fr. Paul!
On Wednesday, September 18 and Wednesday September 25, Fr. Yossi will lead Holy Communion Services at 6pm.
Before each of the Holy Communion Services, the St. Peter’s Grief Support Group will meet at 4 pm.
Please note both Choir practice and Bible Study are cancelled this Thursday, September 19 - both will resume next Thursday, September 26.
The October Food Schedule is as follows:
Oct 6 Team 2 Laurel, Lynn, Carol T, Claudia
Oct 13 Potluck
Oct 20 Team 3 Rose, Carole A., Misty, Melinda
Oct 27 Team 4 Rosalind, Mere, Ambler, Jessica
Thank you Rose Marie for preparing the schedule!
Jim, Diane's husband, installed more of the split rail fence at the back property line this past week. Thank you so much Jim!
The new 2025 Ordo Kalendars are in and available for pickup in the Parish Hall if you ordered one - just leave your payment in the envelope on the table with the calendars. Also, there are a few extras available at $10 each.
Every quarter St. Peter's supports a local charity - most recently Shades of Grace (aid for the homeless in Kingsport) and Hope House (aid to young, unwed mothers). We also have plans to support the Marines' Toys for Tots program leading up to Christmas. The Mission Committee chose to dedicate this September to supporting St. Peters with requests for kitchen and cleaning supplies. We will collect items from the lists below in the box downstairs or the basket in the Narthex through the month of September.
Thank you to everyone for your generous support of the local charities and St. Peter's!
Jody, the owner/operator of the pest control company used by the church, participates in the Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. Part of their ministry involves bringing cookies into the prison! His group of volunteers is visiting the Northeast Correctional Complex in Mountain City in mid October.
 Any one interested in baking at least two dozen cookies (sugar, peanut butter, molasses, or chocolate chip) for their visit please let me know. I will post full instructions on the bulletin board downstairs. Jody will pick up the prepared cookies before Bible Study on Thursday, Oct. 10 at the church.
Please find information on Kairos at the following link:
September Activities
Wed., Sept 18 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group
6 pm Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Hutch
Thur., Sept 19 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul
both activities cancelled due to medical appts.
Sat., Sept. 21 11 am Holy Communion
St. Matthew's Martyr Day
Fr. Yossi
sung service with incense
Sat., Sept 21 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
cancelled due to Holy Communion service
Sun., Sept 22 9:15 am Christian Education
10:15 am Morning Prayer
11 am Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Mike, Levi
12:30 Team 5
Wed., Sept 25 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group
6 pm Holy Communion
Fr. Yossi, Hutch
Thur., Sept 26 10 am Choir Practice
11 am Bible Study
Fr. Paul
Sat., Sept 28 9 - 12, office hours Fr. Yossi
please schedule appointment