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Welcome Back!!

Fr. Dennis officiated a beautiful Holy Communion Service as we return to in church worship!. His sermon tied the Gospel lesson (Luke 19:41-46) which describes Jesus weeping about the conditions in Jerusalem to the current state of affairs in the country. Corruption, educational & intellectual hubris, and the spiritual death of many religious groups/leaders were present then and are present now. These thoughts brought to mind Ecclesiastes 1:9 "....and there is no new thing under the sun." In the end, Fr. Dennis reminded us to remain hopeful and continue to turn to Christ.


Sue continues to lead our weekly prayer group meetings on Discord. Our next prayer group meeting is on Discord this Wednesday, August 19 at 11:15 am. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers!


Fr. Scott will be joining us for the last time on Sunday, August 30. In September he is moving to Oklahoma to join his wife, Rebecca, at her new position as a Nursing Professor at the University of Oklahoma. We will all miss him very much and are so grateful for all the times he made the trip to Kingsport for services! I will let everyone know our plans for that Sunday as soon as we finalize them. Please let me know if you have suggestions! _________________________________

Rose Marie sent me this beautiful picture of completed Memorial Garden. Thank you Earl for all your hard work!


Mike is doing a beautiful job sprucing up our Narthex! New light fixture, new trim, and fresh paint!

He even installed a new bathroom door!

Thank you, Mike for all your continued hard work!



Wednesday, August 19 , @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord

Sunday, August 23 @ 11 am, Morning Prayer Services at the church

Wednesday, August 26, @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord

Sunday, August 23 @ 11 am, Holy Communion Services at the church

Fr. Scott officiating


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