What a wonderful weekend - so many 'good and perfect' gifts for St. Peter's! So many beautiful pictures to share and so much to write about (this turned into my longest post ever)!
During Bishop Grundorf's long anticipated visit, he baptized Fr. Scott and Maryl's baby girl, Audree. Audree looked beautiful in her Christening gown!
Welcome, Audree, into the "body of Christ's Church"!
So wonderful to have all of Maryl's beautiful family join us!
Fr. Scott's delightful mother also joined us! However, I managed to let her leave without getting a picture!
Bishop Grundorf was joined by his wife, Mary, during his visit to St. Peters this weekend. Even though Bp. Grundorf and Fr. Scott have spoken often, they met for the first time this weekend. Fr. Scott is now officially the interim Vicar at St. Peter's! Thank you Bp. Grundorf for recognizing Fr. Scott. Thank you Fr. Scott for being with us and continuing on the APA path to become our Vicar!
After the Baptismal Ceremony, Bp Grundorf celebrated Holy Communion assisted by Fr. Scott and Earl.
Bp Grundorf's sermon for the second Sunday in Lent covered the broad category of the temptations of the flesh. He quoted the Epistle lesson from 1 Thessalonions 4:1 in which Paul "beseeches" and "exhorts" us to please God by abstaining for the temptations of the flesh. He reminded us, sexual sins are sins against ourselves. Baptism is accompanied by the power to obey God's call including the rejection of sexual sins. Obeying God's call is not a matter of our strength but by God's Grace which we pray for earnestly. An example of this type of prayer is found in the Gospel lesson of the Canaanite woman whose daughter was "grievously vexed with a devil". Though initially ignored and rejected by Jesus, she persisted in her faith and requests for Jesus's healing. Bp. Grundorf reminded us that we are weak, we need continual prayer, and God is always there to pick us up after we ask for his forgiveness. His full sermon may be found at the 29:50 mark at the following link!
Sue and Ming made the service even more beautiful with their musical talents and skills! Sue played her violin along with Ming on the piano for all our hymns for this special
service. We are truly blessed with amazing musical talent!
Thank you both for providing such beautiful music for this very special day!
After services we hosted a luncheon downstairs! We had a full house!
Thank you to Rose Marie and Carole for arranging for the sandwiches from Jersey Mikes! Also thank you Rose Marie for bringing the chips, Rosalind for bringing the drinks, & Rose Marie and Ambler for bringing the desserts!
The congregation gave Fr. Scott and Maryl an embroidered baby blanket as a keepsake for Audree! Happy Baptism, Audree. Thank you to every one who contributed!
Before Bp. Grundorf left St. Peters, he graciously thanked us for our hospitality! Also, we presented him with the cash plate from the offering. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Thank you to everyone for coming and making the Second Sunday in Lent 2021 such a special day!