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First Sunday After Easter - Bishop Jones Visits!

During his visit, Bishop Jones baptized Taylor and then confirmed Adrienne, Taylor, Agnes, Garon, Jon, and Anne! The Order of Confirmation included the following statement read by the Bishop:

"Then laid they [Peter and John] their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost."


The Bishop's sermon focused on the the Gospel lesson from St. John 20. He elaborated on when Jesus first established His Church on earth and breathed on the disciples, giving them the Holy Ghost along with the authority to remit and retain sins. He discussed the progression of the disciples into Apostles leading to the next generation of leaders (later known as Bishops) through the laying on of hands. The established, organized church with Bishops is all part of Christ's plan! Please find the Bishop's complete sermon at the 41:15 mark at the following link:

Thank you Bishop Jones for the wonderful sermon, for leading the service, and for visiting St. Peter's!

Lots of pictures of the beautiful service!

Thank you Daryl for taking so many wonderful pictures!


After services we enjoyed a wonderful luncheon with the Bishop. Rose Marie, Carole, Claudia, and Laurel brought wonderful salads and desserts! Rose Marie ordered and Diane picked up sandwiches from Jimmie John's. Thank you all for arranging such a wonderful lunch!

Also, Carol treated us to the Xristos Anesti Hymn (Christ is Risen) used in Easter celebrations in the Greek Orthodox churches. Thank you Carol for sharing that beautiful hymn!

. . . and Diane told the Bishop her 'JoJo the Crow' story . . .

We think he will still visit again!


The Mission Committee met with Bishop Jones on Saturday.

After appetizers at Mike and Claudia's, they all went for dinner at Wellington's in Johnson City. Thank you, Mike and Claudia for hosting the Bishop during his stay in the Tri-Cities!


Next Sunday, commonly known as Good Shepherd Sunday, we are acknowledging and honoring the churches in area that led the way for us in the continuing Anglican Church. We are building on the foundations they laid for us both spiritually and financially. These churches include St. Timothy's in NC, St. Andrew's in Kingsport, and most especially on this upcoming Good Shepherd Sunday - The Church of the Good Shepherd in Abingdon. We invite all former members of those churches to join us!


Deborah and Matt's baby girl is due May 11th! We are having an after church baby shower for them next Sunday, May 1st. Deborah's only request is for diapers. She prefers Honest brand diapers which are available from Amazon. Teresa is bringing a cake to celebrate the impending arrival of the beautiful baby girl!


Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me (Rosalind) if you would like to join us on Discord.


April Activities

Tues., April 26 11:30 Online Prayer Group

May Activities

Sun., May 1 10 am, Christian Education, Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

Tues., May 3 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., May 8 10 am, Christian Education, Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

Tues., May 10 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., May 15 10 am, Christian Education, Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

noon - pot luck luncheon

1 pm - Mission Committee Meeting

Tues., May 17 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., May 22 10 am, Christian Education, Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

(cash plate to Fr. Scott's Discretionary Fund)

Tues., May 24 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., May 29 10 am, Christian Education, Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

Tues., May 31 11:30 Online Prayer Group


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