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Flowers for Margaret!

Sigrid and Rosalind took flowers and a card to Margaret last week. Sarah, with Dominion Bristol and pictured above with Sigrid, coordinated our visit. In addition to delivering the flowers and the card to Margaret, Sarah arranged for us to see Margaret through a window and talk with her on a cell phone. Seeing and hearing Margaret was wonderful but a bit difficult. We could hardly see her through the glare off the south facing window (I was unable to get a picture of Margaret because the glare was so bad!). However, we will try again soon - hopefully through a different window! Also, Sigrid is exploring the use of ZOOM.

After visiting Margaret, we ate lunch on Cootie Brown's outdoor porch in Bristol. Sigrid is feeling fully recovered from her earlier case of pneumonia!


Our lay reader, Scott, led us in a lovely Morning Prayer Service. He also had another wonderful sermon about raising sons, patience, and forgiveness! Thank you, Scott for leading the services!

After services, we had a light luncheon featuring Rose Marie's amazing sausage meatballs in BBQ sauce and Carole's delicious fruit salad followed by cookies!


In a short Mission Committee meeting after the luncheon, we decided to NOT restart Christian Education until Sunday, Sept. 13 at the earliest. This will give us the summer to watch the CoVid 19 situation as well as catch our breath after the crazy first 6 months of 2020!

A Trivia FYI - in addition to being the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, Sept. 13 is also Patriot's Day and National Grandparents Day.


Our June article was published in the The Wooded Place Living Magazine. Teresa wrote the above article about the The Holy Trinity. Thank you Teresa for all your work!


Father Dennis will be with us next Sunday for Holy Communion.


We will have our weekly prayer group meeting on Discord this Wednesday, June 17 at 11:15 am. Thank you Sue for continuing to lead our prayer group!



Wednesday, June 17, @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord

Sunday, June 21 @ 11 am, Holy Communion Service at St. Peters

with Fr. Dennis



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