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Fourth Sunday in Lent also known as Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday

And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down . . . St. John 6:11


Fr. Scott's sermon for Rose Sunday, the Fourth Sunday in Lent focused on the feeding of the 5,000 as described in the Gospel Lesson from John 6. Even though this miracle is described in all four Gospels, John included it to show people the power of the Son of God and to connect the physical feeding of thousands with the spiritual feeding of millions. Please listen to his complete sermon at the following link starting at the 28:55 minute mark. Fr. Scott reviews all of John 6 including the latter verses in which Jesus declares himself to be "the bread of life" :

Thank you Fr. Scott for the very insightful sermon!


Fr. Scott continued his series of Lenten Confirmation Classes for those desiring confirmation during the usual Christian Education time. Through out Lent he will use this time for teaching and reviewing the information needed for confirmation. In order to have enough time to cover all the information, Christian Education will start at 9:30 am. This Sunday he finished his review of the Sacraments and went through church history.


After services, we enjoyed a wonderful light meal provided by Teresa and Carol! Thank you so much for all the food including homemade peanut soup, cheese, cold cuts, bread, dips, fruit, chips, and dessert! Yummmm!!

I think we are going to need more tables soon!


We are opening the church every Friday evening in Lent for a Stations of the Cross service followed by a light dinner. Teresa led our weekly service this past Friday. She used a scripture reading version of the Stations of the Cross. The readings were quotes from the Bible followed by a short prayer. Thank you, Teresa for leading the service and sharing that lovely version!

After services, Teresa served her homemade peanut soup with bread and Waldorf salad. Thank you Teresa for all the food preparation in addition to leading the service!

We have two more Stations of the Cross services scheduled - Friday April 1 and Friday April 8 - both at 5 pm followed by a light meal.


Fr. Scott and the Mission Committee have completed the schedule for April including Holy Week and Bishop Jones' upcoming visit. What a busy month!

Palm Sunday, April 10, 11 am

No Sunday School

Liturgy of the Palms

Narrative Gospel reading

Hot Cross Buns after service

Maundy Thurday, April 14, 6 pm

Institution of the Eucharist

Foot washing

Stripping of the Altar

Altar of Repose

Good Friday, April 15, 3 pm

Prayers for the World

Veneration of the Cross

Mass of the Presanctified

Easter Vigil, April 16, 9 pm

Blessing of the New Fire

Blessing of the Paschal Candle

Easter Prophecies

Blessing of the Font

The Great Alleluia

Ringing of the Church Bells

(incense will be used)

Easter Sunday, April 17, 11 am

No Sunday School

Low Sunday, April 24, 11 am

Episcopal visit by Bp. Chad Jones

1 Baptism & 5 Confirmations!!

no Sunday School

Meal after service with the Bishop

(more info to come)


In preparation for all these events, we have scheduled two cleaning days:

Indoor cleaning, April 7, 10 am

A thorough and deep

cleaning of both upstairs

and downstairs!

Outside yard work, April 9, 10 am

-spring yard work (weeding,

hedge trimming, etc)

-trash pickup around property

On this day we will also decorate for

Palm Sunday & fold palm crosses.

All help is welcome! Please join us as we prepare our beautiful church!


Also, please remember Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me (Rosalind) if you would like to join us on Discord.


We received this flier from the APA about the annual Lenten Appeal - please read and consider supporting this worthy cause! Please mark any donation as "Lenten Appeal" and place in the offertory.


March Activities

Tues., March 29 11:30 Online Prayer Group

April Activities

Fri., April 1 5 pm, Stations of the Cross

followed by light dinner

Sun., April 3 9:30 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

Tues., April 5 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Thur., April 7 10 am, indoor church cleaning

Fri., April 8 5 pm, Stations of the Cross

followed by light dinner

Sat., April 9 10 am, outdoor church cleaning

decorate for Palm Sunday

Sun., April 10 11 am Palm Sunday Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

(cash plate to Fr. Scott’s discretionary fund)

noon - Hot Cross Buns with coffee & tea

1 pm - Mission Committee Meeting

Tues., April 12 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Thur., April 14 6 pm Maundy Thursday Service

Fri., April 15 3 pm, Good Friday Service

Sat., April 16 9 pm, Easter Vigil

Sun., April 17 11 am Easter Sunday Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

Tues., April 19 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., April 24 11 am Holy Communion, Bp Jones & Fr. Scott

noon - lunch with the Bishop

Tues., April 26 11:30 Online Prayer Group


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