On the first Sunday in Fall (Seventeenth Sunday in Trinity) Fr. Dennis celebrated Holy Communion with us. His sermon delved into the part of the Gospel lesson discussing Jesus's teaching about humility to the Pharisees. Fr. Dennis reminded us to support high ideals and morals but to avoid religious pride. Also to remain humble and merciful while speaking truth in love. Lastly not to focus on personal glory but rather on the God's Glory.
Also, we restarted Adult Christian Education this past Sunday after a many month hiatus! Thank you Fr. Dennis for planning and leading our Christian Education program. His plans go through the fall covering an "Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets". He will teach on the Sundays he is in Kingsport and send us notes for the Sundays he is not. For October he has the following lessons planned:
Oct 4: General Introduction & Beginning the Book of Isaiah (Ch 1-12)
Oct 11: Book of Isaiah, highlights Ch 13-39
Judgements on all Nations & Hope for a Remnant
Oct 18: Book of Isaiah, highlights Ch 40-55
Divine Power, the Servant and Divine Mercy
Oct 25: Book of Isaiah, highlights Ch 56-66
Despite corruptions, Hope for Israel & the Nations
Later lessons will cover Jeremiah, Micah, and Malachi.
Thank you Fr. Dennis!
After a long break, Teresa is restarting our Women's Bible Study on Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 1 pm at the church. Please bring your Bible, your book, and your own drink/snack.
Thank you so much Teresa for restarting this greatly missed group!
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! Please contact me if you would like to join us but are not on Discord.
Specials Prayers For two special members:
Sigrid is having the first of two wrist surgeries this Thursday.
Fr. Scott's parents have both been diagnosed with CV-19. As Fr. Scott and his family are currently sharing his parent's home, all six are quarantined!
Claudia has arranged for frozen meals from Schwan's to be delivered to both Sigrid and Fr. Scott. If you would like to contribute to these meals please contact Claudia. Thank you Claudia for making the arrangements.