I go to church with the best people! As part of Fr. Scott's transition to an APA priest, we are all grappling with the unexpected, six month mentoring program for him (1 Sunday/month at St. Peters & 3 Sundays/month at All Saints in Mills River thru June) - so many of you have stepped up in the last three days:
- First a big thank you to Fr. Dennis - the Bishop advised that you have agreed to make the long trek again to Kingsport to offer Holy Communion to St. Peters!
- Thank you to Maryl for supporting your wonderful husband and St. Peters as he moves through this process - especially during the time spent alone as you raise two beautiful daughters under the age of 18 months (having been there many years ago, I feel your load please let us know if/when we can help)!
-Thank you to our newest Mission Committee Member, Scott, for taking on the next two weeks of Christian Education!
- Thank you to Diane for arranging for AAA to ensure that Fr. Scott and Maryl have roadside assistance as they drive over the mountains to and from North Carolina!
- Thank you to Teresa for offering Fr. Scott the use of Lanny's car, making the need for assistance less likely!
- Thank you to Mike, Earl, and Scott, our lay readers, for agreeing to step back into Morning Prayer services!
- Thank you to Sue & Scott, Lynn & Daryl, and others for offering to drive Fr. Scott to North Carolina on Wednesdays if needed, to allow him to catch some rest in the back seat as he moves through those long 18 hour days (work, commute time, mentoring, commute home)!
Lastly, thank you everyone who participated in this morning's prayer session. Diane focused us on the future by reading from one of Bishop Kenneth Myers' books describing how "the future determines the past". The vision we share for St. Peter's vibrant growing future requires that we take actions now to keep that spark alive as we move through the next six months. Our meeting ended with powerful prayers for Fr. Scott led by Scott, Sue, Claudia, and Diane.
Being your Sr. Warden is a blessing but never more so than the last couple of days, especially Sunday. Your love and faith in St. Peters is amazing and your willingness to step up at such short notice is truly a gift from God to St. Peters! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart and God Bless You!

Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us but are not on Discord.
Please keep St. Peters and Fr. Scott in your prayers!
There were other things that happened this week at the church including a beautiful Epiphany Service led by Fr. Scott followed by a blessing of the chalk!
Also a wonderful after Epiphany Feast at Mike & Claudia's - wonderful food and good time. Thank you to everyone there for helping me spiritually prepare for Sunday!
Thank you so much Mike & Claudia for hosting us!

Three Wise Men????

Also this week, Agnes switched her membership to St. Peters. She credits God with healing her back to the point she no longer needs surgery after healing prayers with Fr. Scott and Sue. Welcome Agnes! Thank you Fr Scott and Sue!

Big welcome to Ming, an Anglican Seminary Student at Duke. Due to CO-VID, he is studying online at his home in the Tri-Cities for this semester. He also plays the piano!!
