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Lent Continues......

I pray everyone is doing well in these difficult and uncertain times. On Friday, March 20 the APA Bishops directed that all in-person services be canceled until April 2. They will reassess on April 2.


Yesterday we celebrated Morning Prayer during our first online service on the St. Peter's Talk server on Discord. It was wonderful to hear everyone's voice and to raise our voices in a shared service.

Mike led our service from the comfort of his home. Thank you Mike for doing such a good job as we all go through the online learning curve!

As part of the learning curve I have learned that microphones and headphones are not always required. Several people were just using their phones or tablets. Also my Discord expert (my game loving son) advised many different types of phones and tablets will support Discord. I hope you are all able to join us next Sunday for another online service.

The process to join Discord is as follows:

1.  On the device you want to use - go to

2.  Follow the download instructions on

3.  After download, create a user name and password.  I just used my

initials - rhc.  Discord will assign a four digit code to your user name

- for example my full user name on Discord is  rhc#8162

4.  Go to the '  friends  '  tab.  Click on Add Friend .  Type in

rhc#8162.  Click    Send Friend Request.

5.  After I receive your request, I will send you an invitation to join

the St Peters Talk server.

6. After you accept the invitation to join St Peters Talk server, call me and I will show you how to get on voice. (If you don't have my number, send me an email so I can send it to you!)

Just as an FYI, this is what the Discord screen looks like on my computer. Things may look slightly different on your device but all the features and symbols will be the same.


Isaiah 41:10

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed ; for I am thy

God : I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold

thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Philippians 4:6

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and

supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known

unto God.

Matthew 6:34

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall

take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the

evil thereof.



Sunday, Mar 29, Passion Sunday @ 11 am Morning Prayer, Online

Discord Service


Sunday, April 5 , Palm Sunday, @ 10 am Christian Ed., Book of James

@ 11 am Holy Communion with Fr. Scott

@12 pm Prayer Group Meeting

Thursday, April 9, Maundy Thursday

@ 2 pm followed by meditation led by Diane

Friday, April 10, Good Friday,

@ 2pm Stations of the Cross & Holy Communion

with Deacon Steve Miller

Sunday, April 12, Easter Sunday,

@ 11 am Holy Communion with Fr. Dennis


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