And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the LORD; Hosanna in the highest. Matthew 21:9
Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. Matthew 27:22-23

Fr. Scott led a beautiful Palm Sunday service starting with the Liturgy of the Palms including an outside procession around the church followed by Holy Communion. The Gospel reading was a participatory reading including several congregation members reading.

Fr. Scott's sermon expanded on The Gospel lesson from Matthew. The crowds in Jerusalem started out praising Christ and waving palm branches as He entered the city only to call for His crucifixion a few days later. This cycle of belief followed by betrayal is the story of humanity and described often in the Bible. Fr. Scott calls on us to break this belief/betrayal cycle by confessing our sins, repenting, and running back to Jesus just as Peter ran to the tomb on Easter morning.
Fr. Scott's complete sermon can be found at the following link at the 27:30 mark.
Thank you Fr. Scott for that wonderful sermon!

After services we ate Hot Cross Buns downstairs! Thank you Rose Marie for bringing the delicious buns!

For Easter we will be decorating our altar with Easter Lilies. Please let Rose Marie know by Wednesday if you would like to purchase an Easter Lily in memory of a loved one. Please provide the number of lilies you wish to purchase along with the names of your loved ones - a list will be in next week's bulletin. The lilies are $10 a piece. Please give your money to Daryl or put in next week's offering with a designation for lilies.

Mike completed erecting the new front sign early this past week! It looks amazing! Thank you Mike for completing the installation of the sign. Thank you Teresa for designing and purchasing the sign with Memorial Funds given in Lanny's name!
On Thursday we completed a thorough cleaning of both the upstairs and downstairs of the church . . .

Agnes polished all of our brass and silver!

Claudia, Teresa, and Diane deep cleaned the sanctuary!

Mike joined Claudia and me cleaning the Venetian blinds!
Sue, Rose Marie, and Carole cleaned and mopped the entire downstairs!
Thank you to everyone for helping make the church look wonderful!

We opened the church every Friday evening in Lent for a Stations of the Cross service followed by a light dinner.
Fr. Scott led our last weekly service this past Friday. His version of the Stations of the Cross included prayers by St. Alphonsus Liguori and meditations by Cd. John Henry Newman. After reading all the stations, he led the congregation in the Penitential Office.

Maryl and Fr. Scott served a light dinner of delicious homemade potato soup with toppings, bread, and several wonderful deserts! Thank you for the lovely service and the wonderful dinner!
Thank you to everyone for supporting the Stations of the Cross services and dinners through out Lent.
On the Saturday before Palm Sunday, several of us met at the church to decorate the church.

Teresa and Sue folded palm crosses.

Teresa also made several beautiful Lenten roses!

Rose Marie and I covered the cross and decorated the upstairs!

All ready for Palm Sunday! Thank you for all your work!
Unfortunately, our outdoor cleaning was postponed due to bad weather and will be rescheduled in the future.
Fr. Scott and the Mission Committee have completed the schedule for Holy Week and Bishop Jones' upcoming visit.

Maundy Thurday, April 14, 6 pm
Institution of the Eucharist
Foot washing
Stripping of the Altar
Altar of Repose

Good Friday, April 15, 3 pm
Prayers for the World
Veneration of the Cross
Mass of the Presanctified

Holy Saturday Meditation, April 16, 12-3 pm
Earl will open the church for quiet meditation about a world without our Lord. Prayer guides are available.

Easter Vigil, April 16, 9 pm
Blessing of the New Fire
Blessing of the Paschal Candle
Easter Prophecies
Blessing of the Font
The Great Alleluia
Ringing of the Church Bells
(incense will be used)

Easter Sunday, April 17, 11 am
No Sunday School

Low Sunday, April 24, 11 am
Episcopal visit by Bp. Chad Jones
1 Baptism & 5 Confirmations!!
no Sunday School
Meal after service with the Bishop
(more info to come)
