"And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, HOSSANNA; BLESSED IS HE THAT COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD:"
St. Mark 11:9

Fr. Dennis started his sermon by pointing out there are two Gospel Lessons for Palm Sunday - one describes Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the other describes Jesus's suffering and crucifixion. Each of these Gospels speak about Jesus's kingship. Entering into Jerusalem on a donkey meant Jesus was entering as a peaceful king and was claiming to be the Messiah (fulfilling prophecy). In the Passion Gospel many ridicule and abuse Jesus as the "King of the Jews" because they valued military and political power. However, Jesus wanted people to value spiritual power. He was humble, peaceful and graceful. His kingship was not manifested in greatness but in lowliness, humility, kindness and faithfulness. Jesus's message is just as hard for people today to understand as it was for those living 2000 years ago. We all need to hear His warnings - to repent & change or face destruction. Jesus wants us to accept His values, follow His ways in both thought and deed in all aspects of our lives. Turn to Christ in faith through grace.
Please find Fr. Dennis's complete and thoughtful sermon at the following link:
Thank you Fr. Dennis for the wonderful sermon, the blessing of the palms and the beautiful Holy Communion service.
After services, we enjoyed Hot Cross Buns downstairs. Thank you Rose Marie for bringing the buns!

The church looked beautiful for Palm Sunday - thank you to Lynn, Rose Marie, and Rosalind for getting the church ready for services!

This past Sunday Fr. Dennis continued with his series of Confirmation Classes. He completed the lessons on Anglican church history in England. Next Sunday at 10 am, he will cover the history of the Anglican Church in America. Everyone is invited to attend these classes! Thank you Fr. Dennis for these very informative lessons!
On the Sundays Fr. Dennis is not with us, Sue will lead a short Prayer Meeting downstairs starting at 10:30.
The schedule for Holy Week is as follows:

Good Friday, April 7, noon
Br. Scott

Quiet meditation and prayer time
Sat., April 8, 1-3 pm
Earl will open the church

Easter Sunday, April 9, 11 am,
Fr. Dennis
Fr. Weiss, one of the priests at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Abingdon, has agreed to officiate at St. Peter's on Sunday April 30! We very much look forward to meeting and getting to know Fr. Weiss!

Our next Women's Bible Study meeting is at the church on Wednesday, April 5 at 11 am . Please remember to bring the book, your bible, and a lunch!

Our next Bible Study will use "The First 24" for our next study guide. This is an in depth study of Mark 1:21-45 - the first 24 hours of Jesus' public ministry. The guide is available on Amazon.

Before Bible Study, Diane donated and planted two beautiful double Knock-Out roses for the front flower box. Thank you Diane!

After Bible Study, we found Earl extending and repairing the fence at the back property line. Thank you Earl for all the hard work you do for St. Peter's!
What a busy Wednesday at the Church!

Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday at 2 pm. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.

Please keep Agnes in your prayers - her sister-in-law passed away late last week. She and Teresa are in South Carolina visiting with family.

Time to catch up on our yard maintenance after this crazy winter. We have scheduled a Spring Yard Work Day to complete some yard work around the church after services on Sunday, April 30. The work includes trimming bushes, pulling weeds, cutting back bamboo, and mulching. The work will begin after Holy Communion and a pot luck lunch! Come in your work clothes, bring your tools, and help us keep St. Peters looking nice.

The Lenten Devotional created by our Deanery is now available at the following link:.
Our own Br. Scott is one of the contributors!
Bp. Jones sent out the following letter concerning this year's Lenten Appeal. Please consider supporting this generous and important program this Lent.
