Fr. Dennis joined us from North Carolina for Holy Communion on this Second Sunday in Advent. Before his sermon he reminded us that Sunday was also St. Nicholas's Feast Day. St. Nicholas was a bishop during the early 4th century in Asia Minor and was known for his piety and Trinitarian orthodoxy. He also participated in the creation of the Nicene Creed. The true significance of St. Nicholas is his example of gift giving as a means of showing the love and concern of Jesus.
Fr. Dennis's sermon expanded on the Collect of the Day's message about the Holy Scriptures. Anglicans believe in the supremacy of the Holy Scriptures (as outlined in Article 6 of the Articles of Religion in the BCP), we also recognize other good, useful, and beautiful writings as aids in studying the Holy Scriptures. In summary the Advent Season is characterized by hope and True Hope depends on the divine revelation about Jesus Christ found in Holy Scripture.
Before Holy Communion Services, Fr. Dennis led our Christian Education lesson. He discussed the Divine or Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayers. He traced the history of the services from the daily sacrifices in the Temple through the Monasteries' 7-8 prayer offices/day, through the Reformation and Cranmer's inclusion of Morning and Evening Prayer in the 1549 Prayer Book.
Thank you Fr. Dennis for driving over from North Carolina for both the Holy Communion Service and the Christian Education lesson!
After services, we ate a light lunch and had our last Mission Committee Meeting of 2020.

Our newest additions, Scott as upcoming Mission Committee member and Daryl as upcoming Treasurer, joined us. After routine business, we made plans for the Lessons and Carols service next Sunday. Also, I asked everyone to begin thinking about plans for 2021 including projects for the building/landscaping, outreach, etc. Many of our 2020 plans were delayed due to CV19. Thank you to everyone for attending and for all the work all of you do!
On Saturday we watched the beautiful Symphony of the Mountains concert streamed live on YouTube.

We identified Scott!

Sue was a little more elusive but we found her (violinist in red and black on the back row)!
The music was beautiful!
Before the concert, we met at Rosalind's house for shared appetizers! As always the food was plentiful and wonderful!

And the couch was very comfy!

Great food, beautiful music, and wonderful company!

Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us but are not on Discord.
The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
with the
Symphony of the Mountains String Quartet

The Festival tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ through nine scripture readings interspersed with traditional Christmas hymns. First used in England to start the healing process after the horrors of WWI, the Festival is Anglican in origin but now used by many churches. Our service features the Symphony of the Mountains string quartet playing traditional Christmas Hymns.
Please join us on Sunday, December 13 at 11 am.

Many of us do our holiday shopping at Amazon. Please remember to go to:
and select Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Catholic Church as your charity to generate donations for Saint Peter's. There is no additional cost to you but we receive a small percentage of each purchase when we are selected!

Tues., Dec 8 – 11:30 am Online Prayer Group Sun., Dec 13 – 10 am Preparation for Lessons & Carols 11 am Lesson & Carols Service Tues., Dec 15 – 11:30 am Online Prayer Group Sun., Dec 20 - 10 am Christian Education with Fr. Scott 11 am Holy Communion with Fr. Scott noon Decorating Sanctuary after services for Christmas Tues., Dec 22 – 11:30 am Online Prayer Group Thur., Dec 24 – 2 pm Christmas Eve Holy Communion Services with Fr. Scott Fri., Dec 25 - noon, Christmas Day - Holy Communion Services with Fr. Scott Sun., Dec 27 – 10 am Christian Education with Fr. Scott 11 am Holy Communion Services with Fr. Scott Tues., Dec 29 - 11:30 am Online Prayer Group