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Special Treat Sunday...

Sue and Scott arranged for the Symphony of the Mountains Brass Quintet (minus one trumpet) to play at St. Peter's this past Sunday! In addition to the prelude and postlude they played the processional, sermon, and recessional hymns:

Hymn 564 - How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord

Hymn 537 - Christ for the world we sing!

Hymn 562 - Stand up, stand up, for Jesus.

They sounded magnificent and so powerful! Thank you so much Sue and Scott for arranging such a special and beautiful treat for us!

Earl led our Morning Prayer Service this Sunday. His sermon was prepared by Dean Henderson and commented on our Gospel lesson (St. Luke 17:11-19) about the 10 healed lepers. The only leper to thank and praise Jesus after his healing was a Samaritan. Thank you Earl for all your service both this Sunday and every other Sunday!


The Brass Quintet was in Kingsport for a concert this past Saturday at the Allendale Mansion. This was the first live performance by the Symphony of the Mountains this year. Several church members went and very much enjoyed the show!

Claudia, Mike, and visiting family....

Rose Marie and Earl with Greg & Jeff in the background....

And Sue soaking in the beautiful music, beautiful setting, and beautiful weather....

Along with many others so happy to outside among people again!!


The Mission Committee had their regular monthly meeting this past Sunday. The highlights are:

-We are planning to restart Christian Education on Sunday, Oct. 4 before services. More information on topics will be coming soon.

- We are planning to restart the Women's Bible Study on Wednesday, Oct 7 at 1 pm at the church. Teresa will lead us in the Made to Crave Study. Teresa recommends purchasing just the book and not purchasing the associated study guide.

-Lastly we are planning a yard cleanup / landscape day at the church on Thursday, Oct. 15 starting at 9:30 am. More information to come.


Sue continues to lead our weekly prayer group meetings on Discord. Our next prayer group meeting is on Discord this Wednesday, September 16 at 11:15 am. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! Please contact me if you would like to join us but are not on Discord.



Wednesday, September 16 @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord

Sunday, September 20 @ 11 am, Holy Communion Services

with Fr. Dennis at the church

Wednesday, September 23 @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord

Sunday, September 27 @ 11 am, Morning Prayer Services

at the church

Wednesday, September 30 @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord


Sunday, October 4 @ 10 am Christian Education

@ 11 am, Holy Communion Services

with Fr. Dennis at the church

Wednesday, October 7 @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord

@ 1 pm, Women's Bible Study,at church

Made to Crave, Lesson 1


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