(Yes, it is Trinity Season but I forgot to take a picture of Fr. Scott in his green vestments - hopefully next Sunday!)
Fr. Scott's sermon explored the deeper meanings of the Gospel lesson (Luke 14:16-24, BCP p. 192) in which Jesus tells the parable of a man who invited guests to a great feast only to have many of the them give poor excuses for not coming. Jesus was invited to a Pharisee's home for dinner and used a comment by another guest to lead into this parable. Fr. Scott reviewed the many levels of meaning in this parable including:
- the great feast symbolizes Heaven
-the Jewish people are the original invited guests
-Gentiles are the poor, the lame, and the highway travelers invited after the host opens the feast to everyone
Also the poor excuses given by the original guests may be summarized as possessions, work, and family. We need to guard ourselves against these same excuses and not miss the feast!
Please find Fr. Scott's complete sermon at the link below at the 22:45 mark:
Fr. Scott's Sunday School lesson discussed sacramentals as compared to sacraments. Sacraments impart grace to us and are outward signs of inward graces. Sacramentals are objects that help us to receive grace. Sacraments come to us from Christ and the scriptures. Sacramentals come through the church. Examples of sacramentals include blessings from a priest or bishop, things (candles, books rosary, ashes, chalk...), relics, physical acts (sign of the cross, ringing bells, singing....), places (churches, chapels, the Holy Land....), exorcisms, clothing (collars, vestment...) art, jewelry, & anything else that leads a person to God. Fr. Scott's notes on Sacramentals are at the following link:
Thank you, Fr. Scott for the very interesting and informative lesson!
Our wonderful Carter County contingent of Diane, Agnes, Teresa, and Carol created . . .
this amazing luncheon of chicken casserole, broccoli salad, croissants, and extra yummy oreo cookie & pudding dessert! Another amazing feast! Thank you all so much for everything you do for St. Peter's!!
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me (Rosalind) if you would like to join us on Discord.
Our next Mission Committee Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 20 after services. Before the meeting, we plan to order Domino's Pizza - everyone is welcome to join us for the pizza (and stay for the meeting if you are so inclined)!
Teresa is organizing an excursion to the outdoor drama, LIBERTY, which has been presented every year (except last year) in Elizabethton at the Sycamore Shoals State Park. The drama tells the story of the settlement of this area and the story of the Overmountain Men traveling to the Battle of Kings Mountain, a decisive victory for the Patriot cause.
We are attending the drama on Friday June 18. The seating is bleachers, so if you have stadium seats, you will enjoy having a seat back. Teresa will purchase the tickets this Wednesday. Please let her know by midday Wednesday if you plan to attend.
Please find more information, including ticket prices, at the following link:
More information to come! Thank you Teresa for organizing this wonderful event!!
Happy Birthday Amber!
Amber's Birthday is coming up later this month! Fr. Scott and Maryl are hosting a Birthday Party for her on Saturday, June 26 from 3 - 6 pm. All of our St. Peter's Family is invited to join them at this birthday/pool party! Please RSVP to Fr. Scott or Maryl - they will give you directions and answer any questions. Happy Birthday to Amber!!
Coming up soon!
The Church will provide the BBQ and fixings. In addition we are asking everyone to bring a dish to pass - appetizer, salad, side dish, or dessert are all welcome!
June Activities
Tues., June 15 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Fri., June 18 The Liberty Drama
Sycamore Shoals State Park
Sun., June 20 10 am Christian Education, Fr. Scott