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The Sunday after Ascension Day

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."

Col. 3:1


Fr. Dennis joined us again this Sunday. His sermon focused on Ascension Day and reminded us that Christ's Ascension is a basic article of belief and is connected with all His redeeming work. We believe The Ascension is a real event and teaches us much about God including:

- Christ's true Kingship, His heavenly rule

- Christ's Priesthood and that He is praying for and watching over His Church from the best vantage point possible

- the Christian life and that as Christ has gone beyond this world so may we as His followers.

By looking to the ascended Christ and being open to the Holy Spirit, we can become more Christ-like in our thoughts, attitudes, and deeds. We can receive a confidence that survives the ups and downs of our earthly lives. However, as Christians, we must not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by worldly problems. Although we remain in this world, we share the heavenly perspective provided by the ascended Christ. We should be confident that God's eternal goodness is stronger than all the evil in a fallen world.

Please find the complete service at the following link:

Thank you Fr. Dennis for the lovely service and the very thoughtful sermon.


Also this week we welcomed Fr. Yossi Sarid from New Mexico. He is originally from Knoxville and is planning to return to Tennessee for family reasons. With Bp. Jones's approval, he is enquiring about the position of Vicar at St. Peters! He is a retired army chaplain, has served at several churches in New Mexico, and is currently working in the field of hospice ministry. We thank him so much for serving this Sunday as we were unexpectedly short a server.

Fr. Yossi joined several of the Mission Committee members for an introductory dinner at The Chop House in Kingsport on Saturday night. Thank you, Fr. Yossi for joining us and for considering St. Peter's in your future plans!


This past Sunday, Fr. Dennis continued his confirmation classes. He began his review of the ancient creeds - Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian. He will continue with the creeds in his next confirmation class scheduled for Sunday, June 4.

Everyone is invited to attend these classes! Thank you Fr. Dennis for these very informative lessons!

On the Sundays Fr. Dennis is not with us, Sue will lead a short Prayer Meeting downstairs starting at 10:30.


Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday at 2 pm. However, as Sue will be out of town on Thursday May 25 the Discord Prayer group is cancelled for that day. Diane will lead our weekly prayers during Bible Study on Wednesday.

Thank you so much Sue and Diane for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.


Our next Women's Bible Study is on Wed. May 24 @ 11 am at the church. We will use "The First 24" for our study guide. This is an in depth study of Mark 1:21-45 - the first 24 hours of Jesus' public ministry. The guide is available on Amazon. Please remember to bring the book, your bible, and a lunch!


Another Birthday celebration!

During Wednesday's Bible Study, Diane brought a special birthday cake for Teresa. The cake commemorated Teresa's 70th Birthday!


Rose Marie has arranged for Earl's funeral service on Saturday, June 17 at 2 pm at the church. Fr. Dennis will be officiating. All members are invited to attend.


Br. Scott sent this picture of Sue as she enjoys the warm, sunny California weather - not! Happy travels and see you both next week!


May Activities

Wed., May 24 11 am Women's Bible Study

at the church

Sun., May 28 10:30 am Prayer Meeting

11 am Morning Prayer, Br. Scott

Wed., May 31 11 am Women's Bible Study

at the church

June Activities

Thur., June 1 2 pm Online Prayer Group

Sun., June 4 10 am Confirmation Class

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Dennis

Wed., June 7 11 am Women's Bible Study

at the church

Sun., June 11 10:30 am Prayer Meeting

11 am Morning Prayer, Br. Scott

Wed., June 14 11 am Women's Bible Study

at the church

Thur., June 15 2 pm Online Prayer Group

Sat., June 17 2 pm, Earl's Funeral Service, Fr. Dennis

at the church

Sun., June 18 10:30 am Prayer Meeting

11 am Holy Communion, Canon Bob


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