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A Blessed and Beautiful Fall Week!

This Sunday Russell finished his lessons on Faith & Works and Jim led us in a lovely Morning Prayer Service. Thank you both! After services, we had our monthly luncheon provided by Claudia and Sue. Quite a feast - thank you! Lastly, the Mission Committee had their monthly meeting (more on that later).


The Women's Bible Study visited Teresa's friend's farm as part of our lesson on sheep and shepherding. Carr raises sheep and chickens. He gave us an interesting tour, describing his experiences with both types of animals. He even invited us back next spring to see the lambs!

After the tour, we went to lunch at Olive Garden and then back to the church to get our cars and head home. Such a beautiful fall day with wonderful people!


Mike and Claudia visited with Margaret this week. Rose Marie and Earl visited with Gloria this week. Thank you for keeping all our members in mind!


Jim is hosting a Halloween Family Night Out this Wednesday at 6 pm. He is smoking ribs all afternoon in his smokers, Rose Marie is bringing a potato casserole, and Rosalind is bringing a big salad. Costumes optional but fun!


The Mission Committee met this past Sunday and have several questions and some new information to present.


St. Peter's is planning to run some small ads in a local neighborhood magazine (The Wooded Place Living). We are designing a new ad. After going through many copyright free Christian images we have narrowed the choices down to the following four images. We plan to use this image in all the ads as well as on any literature, business cards, etc. Please let us know which is your favorite. We need to decide next week!

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

option 3

Option 4

I'm sorry the pictures are all different sizes - still on the web page learning curve!


We also need to decide on a tag line to go in the ad. The ad will include the following:

St. Peter the Apostle Anglican Church

A Traditional Anglican Church serving the TriCities Area

3321 Thornton Dr.

Kingsport, TN 37664


Additional wording options include:

1. O Come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Psalm 95:6

2. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow......every

tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phillippians 2:10-11

3. Grace to you and peace

4. Welcome! It is good to have you visit.

5. other ???


In the past we collected discretionary funds for use by our Priest on the third Sunday of every month. We propose to replace the discretionary fund collection with a charity collection. That is, the cash collected in the offering on the third Sunday of every month would be donated to a charity in the church's name. The charities selected would come from those recommended by our members. So let us know what you think and any charity you want to support.


We plan to change the luncheon to one of the Sundays that we are having Holy Communion! Schedules and teams will be posted soon!


On the calendar this week at St. Peters:

Wednesday, Oct. 16 @ 6 pm - Family Night Out - Halloween themed - costumes for fun (optional but fun) ! Jim is fixing home made, smoked ribs for dinner!

Wednesday, Oct 16 @ 10 am - Women's Bible Study will meet at Sue's house with plans to complete the lesson on Shepherds and Sheep. We will all meet at Bojangles near WalMart at 9:45 and then follow Rose Marie to Sue's home.

Sat., Oct. 19 @ 11 am - Ordination of Stephen Miller to the Sacred Order of Deacon at:

St. Matthew's Anglican Church

812 Reems Creek Road

Weaverville, NC 28787

Sunday, Oct 20 @ 10 am Christian Education

@ 11 am Holy Communion, Father Dennis Washburn


Future Events

Wednesday, Oct 23 @ 10 am - Women's Bible Study will meet at a house to be determined. The lesson is 'On the Farm, Recognizing that Everything Has Its Season'.

Sunday, October 27 @ 10 am Christian Education

@ 11 am Morning Prayer


FYI - Just a reminder

Many of us do our holiday shopping at Amazon. Please remember to go to:

and select Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Catholic Church as your charity to generate donations for Saint Peter's. There is no additional cost to you but we receive a small percentage of each purchase when we are selected!

Thank you!


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