Early Thanksgiving Feast at Mike and Claudia's!
Carole's homemade pies, Mike's magnificent turkey, and Margaret's approval of all the other wonderful casseroles!
Thank you Mike and Claudia for a joyous afternoon of feasting and fellowship!! We are such a blessed church family!
On Sunday we packed 25 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child for Samaritan's Purse, the most we have ever been able to fill! After packing the boxes, Fr. Dennis blessed them, Teresa arranged for tracking labels, and Earl & Rosalind delivered them to the collection point. With the tracking labels, we will be able to learn where our boxes were sent!
Thank you to everyone who brought items for the boxes and to everyone who packed them!
After packing all the boxes, Fr. Dennis led a beautiful Holy Communion Service which was followed by a delicious luncheon. Rose Marie, Pat, and Rosalind provided food for the luncheon.
Earl continues his hard work on the Memorial Garden Rock Wall. He is making much progress!
Thank you Earl!
