St. Peter the Apostle Anglican Church lost one of our cherished members, Lanny Smith, late last Wednesday night. Lanny will be missed greatly by all of us and most especially by Teresa. Please keep Teresa in your prayers as she grieves the loss of her beloved husband. Also pray for the departed soul of Lanny and remember those he left behind.
REQUIEM aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace.
ETERNAL rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.
For Lanny's obituary and for information on the visitation and services please go to the link below:
The women of the church are taking food to Teresa's on Wednesday. Rose Marie is organizing appetizer / snack type food for after the burial service. Claudia is organizing Wednesday night's dinner for family and out of town visitors. If you are able to help and have not been contacted, please contact either Rose Marie or Claudia.
Father Scott lead a beautiful Spiritual Communion Service on Discord this past Sunday. Thank you again!
Unfortunately, with Lanny's burial service and the food preparation on Wednesday, we must cancel our prayer group meeting on Discord this week. We resume with this wonderful prayer time on Wednesday, August 12 at 11:15 on Discord.
Mike has resumed working our Nave. He forwarded these pictures showing the progress to date.
The Nave is already looking so much better and will be beautiful by time Mike is finished!
And Mike recruited the best help possible - Claudia!
Sigrid and Elsa visited Margaret last week and had a wonderful visit. They were able to talk with her through an open window rather over a speaker phone. They report that Margaret was alert and very happy to see and talk with them. Sigrid will let us know the next time she plans a visit.
Earl and Rose Marie are celebrating the birth of their first great-grandchild - a little boy named Nash! As seen in the picture above, they have so much to be joyful about!
Wednesday, August 5, Prayer Group on Discord cancelled
Sunday, August 9 @ 11 am, Morning Prayer on Discord
Wednesday, August 12, @ 11:15 am, Prayer Group on Discord
Joining us on Discord
As part of the learning curve I have learned that microphones and headphones are not always required. Several people are just using their phones or tablets. Also my Discord expert (my game loving son) advised many different types of phones and tablets will support Discord. I hope you are all able to join us.
The process to join Discord is as follows: