Jim does a wonderful job maintaining our landscaping and flower beds! The money from the upcoming yard sale will be used by Jim to purchase some new bushes. Thank you, Jim for all your hard work!
Earl and Rosalind visited 'The Blake at Kingsport', the new assisted living center just across Fort Henry Drive from the church. They met with Cindy Lemon, Director of Activities. Cindy scheduled Rosalind to come lead a six week Bible Study using Margaret Fineberg's 'Taste and See' lessons starting the first Friday of November. Cindy is also planning to start a Sunday Evening worship session later in the Fall led by different churches on a rotating basis. Earl is sharing with Cindy our Evening Prayer service. We hope to get our Lay Readers in the rotation!
Earl is slowing turning this pile of rocks into..........
The wall in the Memorial Garden in the lower level of our lot! Thank you Earl for all your hard work!
Rose Marie, Rosalind, and Earl visited Gloria. Gloria had a new tea kettle and made a cup of her wonderful English tea which she served in her beautiful china tea cups.
Deacon Bob Shoup and his wife, Sally, visited us again on Sunday. After a wonderful service and sermon, they joined us for our monthly luncheon. Thank you to both of them for coming such a long way to help St. Peters! We pray they had a safe drive home and can join us again soon!
All members of St. Peter the Apostle Anglican Church have been invited to the Ordination of Stephen Miller to the Sacred Order of Deacon on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019 in Weaverville, NC.
Saturday Sept 14 @ 9 am - Father Swingert is visiting St. Peters. He will lead a Holy Communion Service.
Sunday, Sept. 15 @ 11 am - Morning Prayer Service
Future Events
Wed Sept 18 @ 6 pm - Family Night Out - we will meet to price items and prepare for the yard sale on Sat.
Sat. Sept. 21 - Church yard sale. Jim is organizing a yard sale to raise money for new bushes/landscaping for the Church. Please start collecting items that we can offer. We will store the items in the office beside the back door. Please price items before bringing if possible!
Wed. Sept. 25 - Women's Bible Study starts again. We are using Margaret Feinberg's six week session "Scouting the Divine, Searching for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey". We will meet at Carole Anders house at 10:00 am (1022 Beechwood Drive, Kingsport).
Sunday, Oct. 6 @ 11 am - Father Scott Koszalinski from Knoxville will lead Holy Communion Services. He has agreed to come the first Sunday of the month starting in Oct.
Sat., Oct. 19 @ 11 am - Ordination of Stephen Miller to the Sacred Order of Deacon at:
St. Matthew's Anglican Church
812 Reems Creek Road
Weaverville, NC 28787
FYI - Just a reminder
Many of us do our holiday shopping at Amazon. Please remember to go to:
and select Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Church as your charity to generate donations for Saint Peter's. There is no additional cost to you but we receive a small percentage of each purchase when we are selected!