Jim led our Christian Education this past Sunday - discussing several questions including:
- Is separation of State and Church really in the Constitution?
- Where/what is the Kingdom of God?
- How does God seek to communicate with us?
Earl led our Morning Prayer Services.
Thank you both for all you do for St. Peter's!
Rose Marie, Earl, and Rosalind went to the Open House at The Blake Assisted Living Facility in Kingsport. Over 1000 people attended the Open House! In addition to facility tours, they served champagne, appetizers, pasta bar, Banana's Foster bar, and general dessert bar. The Blake is located very close to St. Peters. On Friday, Nov 1, we will start leading a six week Bible Study at The Blake using Margaret Fineberg's 'Taste and See' series. All are welcome to join us as we reach out to the residents! We are working with Cindy Lemons, The Blake's activities coordinator.
The St. Peter's Womens Bible Study continued our study in "Scouting the Divine" on Thursday. We started "On the Farm; Recognizing That Everything Has It's Season". We had such a wonderful conversation we didn't finish the lesson --- so we will continue it this Thursday! Thank you Claudia for hosting us this weekend! We will meet at Lynn's house this Thursday, Oct 31 @ 10 am. Thank you Lynn for hosting us this week!
