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That time of year......

Time to catch up on our yard maintenance after this crazy summer, We have scheduled a Fall Yard Work Day to complete some yard work around the church for this Thursday, Oct. 15 @ 9:30. The work includes trimming bushes, removing a few bushes, pulling weeds, removing some iris, mulching, and reseeding.

Carol and Claudia are bringing lunches for everyone doing the yard work! Please let me (or Carol or Claudia) know if you can come so they will know how much food to bring.

Please join us as we keep the church looking nice! Please bring your garden tools.


The Women's Bible Study Group had their first meeting this past Thursday. Thank you so much Teresa for leading our group as we start meeting again. We had a wonderful turn out! It was so nice to see everyone again and to meet some new people!

Our next meeting is this Wednesday at 1 pm at the church. The lesson plan covers chapters 2, 3, & 4 in the Made to Crave book.


Scott led another lovely Morning Prayer Service this past Sunday. His sermon was written by Dean Henderson and discussed the Gospel Lesson which presented Jesus's discussion with the Pharisees about:

1) what is the greatest commandment?


2) whose son is the Christ?

While many wrong answers to all kinds of questions are not life altering, the answers to these questions are!

Thank you Scott for leading the service!


Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! Please contact me if you would like to join us but are not on Discord.


Each year we participate in Operation Christmas Child sponsored by Samaritan's Purse. This program sends shoe boxes full of age appropriate gifts to needy children all over world and shares the message of the Gospel with them!

We are planning to pack 24 boxes (12 for girls and 12 for boys) on Sunday Nov. 15 before services. We have a lot of left over items from years past but will still need more items. I will set out the items we have on the tables downstairs next Sunday. Also please check out this link for suggested items as well as items that are not allowed:

More info to follow!



Tuesday, October 13 @ 11:30 am, Prayer Group on Discord

Wednesday, October 14 @ 1 pm, Women's Bible Study

at the church

Thursday, October 15 @ 9:30 am, yard winterization, clean up

Sunday, October 18 @ 10 am Christian Education/Isaiah

@ 11 am Holy Communion with Fr. Dennis

@ noon - Mission Committee Meeting


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