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The Seventh Sunday after Trinity...

In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them, I have compassion on the multitude...........


Fr. Scott led our Holy Communion Service this Sunday, the Seventh Sunday after Trinity. His sermon focused on the feeding of the 4000 as described in the Gospel lesson from Mark 8. Unlike the more famous feeding of the 5000 reported in all four Gospels, this miracle feeding is only reported in two of the Gospels, Mark and Matthew, leading to two questions. Why did the other Gospel writers not report on both feedings? Why did Mark and Matthew want to report the same type of miracle twice? Fr. Scott then reviewed the reasons each author had for writing his Gospel and the audience each was targeting. He then compared the two feedings. The feeding of the 5000 with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes was near Bethsaida, a largely Jewish area. After everyone ate, the disciples collected 12 hand baskets (small, personal baskets) of leftovers representing the 12 tribes of Israel. The feeding of the 4000 was near Decapolis, a largely Gentile area. After everyone ate, the disciples collected 7 large baskets of leftovers (same word used here that Paul used to describe the large basket he used to escape from Damascus). The seven large baskets represent the seven foundational churches mentioned in Revelations and the greater reception of Jesus Christ by Gentiles. Fr. Scott also reminded us of the great compassion Jesus had for the crowds of that time and that He has for us now. Please find Fr. Scott's complete and wonderful sermon at 20:54 minute mark at the following link:

In Christian Education this morning Fr. Scott continued his series on The Creeds, discussing the Apostles' Creed. Legend holds that each Apostle contributed a line, but more likely this is an early formation (~140 AD) of the faith used to teach the faith to converts and was recited at their baptism. This creed is used more in the Western Church but is recognized by the Eastern Church. The Apostles' Creed, originally written in Latin, is a simpler summary of the Christian faith than the later Nicene Creed. Fr. Scott also reviewed many of the issues not addressed in the Apostles' Creed including the relationship between the Trinity (not an issue in the early church), the definition of who Christ is as in the Nicene Creed, an understanding/explanation of the Holy Spirit, as well as other issues. Thank you, Fr. Scott for all this information!


Please keep Fr. Scott, Scott, Mike and Claudia in your prayers as they journey to Atlanta for the Anglican Province of America’s triennial Provincial Synod and the Diocese of the Eastern United States (DEUS) Diocesan Synod this next week.

Thank you all for representing St. Peters!


Adrienne's parents, James and Renee, joined us this Sunday from New Mexico! Welcome, we are so happy you visited! Adrienne and Taylor also brought Arthur for a visit. After church they were going to pick up Arthur's new companion, Merlin, another young Corgi puppy.

Arthur made friends with everyone including Fr. Scott!

Can't wait to meet Merlin!


Mike has started building the stairs between the lower part of the lot and the front entrance. After the stairs are completed, people will be able to easily walk from the lower part of the lot up to the front door of the church! Mike - Thank you so much for all that you do for St. Peter's!


Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me (Rosalind) if you would like to join us on Discord.


July Activities

Tues., July 20 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., July 25 10 am Christian Education, Fr. Scot

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

Tues., July 27 11:30 Online Prayer Group

August Activities

Sun., Aug 1 10 am Christian Education, Fr. Scot

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

Tues., Aug 3 11:30 Online Prayer Group


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