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Uncertain Times......

O most mighty and merciful God, in this time of grievous sickness, we flee unto thee for succour. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from our peril; give strength and skill to all those who minister to the sick; prosper the means made use of for their cure; and grant that, perceiving how frail and uncertain our life is, we may apply our hearts unto that heavenly wisdom which leadeth to eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer In Time of Great Sickness and Mortality

Book of Common Prayer, p 45


A very big 'Thank You' to Fr. Dennis for coming this Sunday for Holy Communion. We are very grateful to him for making the trip in these uncertain times. Please keep his wife in your prayers as she is visiting their son in California and is due to fly back on Tuesday.

During services, Fr. Dennis blessed our two new Holy Water Fonts which will soon be mounted in the Nave. He also blessed Holy Water for us to use in the fonts.

During Christian Education we continued our study of the Book of James. We discussed the two types of wisdom described by James in 3::13-18. After services, Sue led another beautiful prayer session. The prayer session was followed by a quite luncheon of sandwiches, chips, and Rose Marie's homemade cookies!


On Tuesday Carole, Rose Marie, Rosalind, and Earl finished repainting the nursery. Everything looks beautiful and clean!

The Men's Group met Tuesday night but alas so pictures!

Unfortunately, Tuesday evening, we received news of the first Covid19 virus case in Sullivan County. Therefore, the Women's Bible Study scheduled to start on Wednesday was postponed until further notice. As no other cases were reported during last week, we continued with our scheduled Holy Communion Service.

This week we have canceled all activities except the Morning Prayer Service on Sunday. The canceled activities include the Olive Garden Dinner/"I Am Patrick" movie, Women's Bible Study, and Family Night Out. We will review the virus situation in the area on Friday and Saturday and will send out an email to everyone if we cancel this Sunday's Morning Prayer Service.

Our plans for this Sunday include Christian Education, Morning Prayer, and the after service prayer session, all followed by a thorough cleaning of the church in preparation for Easter. Please bring a bag lunch, as the cleaning may take a couple of hours.


Three of our very lovely church members are currently fighting off illnesses. Please keep Carol, Pat, and Sigrid in your prayers this week. We pray for their complete recovery and hope to see them all back at church soon.

Also, keep Margaret and Gloria in your prayers as Assisted Living Facilities are asking that friends do not visit at this time.



Sunday, Mar 22 @ 10 am Christian Education, Book of James @ 11 am Morning Prayer @ 12 am Prayer Group Meeting

followed by bring your own bag lunch and church cleaning Wednesday, Mar 25 @ 10 am - Womens' Bible Study 'Made to Crave' Sunday, Mar 29, Passion Sunday @ 10 am Christian Ed., Book of James @ 11 am Holy Communion with Fr. Dennis @12 pm Prayer Group Meeting


Sunday, April 5 , Palm Sunday, @ 10 am Christian Ed., Book of James @ 11 am Holy Communion with Fr. Scott @12 pm Prayer Group Meeting

Thursday, April 9, Maundy Thursday @ 2 pm followed by meditation led by Diane

Friday, April 10, Good Friday, Stations of the Cross with Holy Communion @ 2 pm

Deacon Steve Miller

Sunday, April 12, Easter Sunday, @ 11 am Holy Communion with Fr. Dennis


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